I remember one time my husband was telling a story to some friends of ours about how a complete stranger allowed me to drive his remote control plane at a campsite where we stayed in Texas. Mind you, this was not an inexpensive device back in the 1990’s! I was so embarrassed because I was convinced it was not me who flew the plane, but must have been another girl he dated before we got married. I pulled on his arm and whispered quickly in his ear, “Babe! That was not me. It must have been someone else you dated.” Of course, our friends overheard my exclamation and laughed. My husband laughed the most as he remembered every detail of our trip from where we stayed to what we did. If he tried hard enough he would likely remember what we were wearing that day! Not me. That memory was long gone!
Isn’t it funny how so many of our memories from great times and new adventures, slowly fade away over time? At least that seems to be what happens to me. However, I have memories from some of the more challenging times of my life that I am able to recall as if they happened yesterday. I remember the details of the events and even the emotions that I felt. I can bring back the pain and hurt if I think on it for too long.
As I mentioned in Behind The Scenes #5, when I was younger, I experienced an abusive relationship. It was a very painful and confusing time for me. It occurred during a time when I was still trying to figure out who I was and where I belonged. This relationship changed what I thought of myself. I felt shame and blame for what happened to me. I thought I brought it on myself and that I deserved the way I was treated. This lie changed how I was able to deal with other people for many years. It impacted future relationships with trust and control issues. I struggled with barriers and walls that kept me from being known by others for fear of judgement and abandonment. I did not like myself and felt that others would not like me either if they knew who I was and what happened in my past. So…I buried this part of my life and stuffed it in a closet that I never planned to open again.
With the trauma locked up, I tried to move on with life as if nothing happened. I lied to myself that everything was “fine” and no one would know that anything had changed. But people knew I was behaving differently. I was pushing people away who cared about me. I was keeping secrets and avoiding conversations. I was sabotaging relationships out of fear of getting hurt again. I feared making new friends, dating, being authentic in who I was. I tried to act the way I thought other people wanted me to act and look how other people wanted me to look. I struggled with eating disorders along my journey at times in order to bring control to my life when my emotions and life seemed out of control. I began to lose sight of who I was, what I needed, and even if God actually loved me. I felt unlovable. I was hurting others and myself by keeping my pain and experiences a secret and letting them fester in the dark.
“‘Hurt people hurt people’ is more than a clever phrase….As that damage causes us to become defensive and self-protective, we lash out at others. Hurting becomes a vicious cycle.” – from Dr. Sandra D. Wilson, Hurt People Hurt People
Thankfully, God did not let me stay in the dark, where the enemy thrives to ruin our lives and our hope. God placed people in my life who loved me unconditionally. I eventually was able to bring into the light what had happened. I had people who stood by me and spoke Truth to me. The more I talked about it and recognized who I was in Jesus, the easier it became to release the chains that it had wrapped around my heart, my relationships, and my mind. I began to heal and find hope again. I recognized that even in these areas of great pain and self-harm in my life, God was molding me to grow in character, wisdom and compassion for others who have struggled with pain, abuse and addictions of all kinds.
My, Sweet Circle. We are not perfect, nor have we ever been called to be. We will still sin. We will still behave poorly. We will be hurt and hurt others. We will still have to face the consequences of our actions. BUT…oh, how I LOVE the “but”!! BUT, we are worthy and valuable, fully known, completely loved exactly how we are through the blood of Jesus and His victory over sin. HIS victory becomes OUR victory. We do not have to be a victim any longer. And we do not have to seek perfection or “get better” before we can come to Jesus for help. Our freedom from the chains of sin is easy. We believe in our Lord and Savior, Jesus. And we are forgiven by our faith in Him. That’s it.
Our journeys may still be difficult and we may still stumbled BUT we rise again with a clean slate of forgiveness through our faith in Jesus when we confess and repent of our sin.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
I may not remember all the good stories. BUT, I am celebrating how God is working in my life every day to redeem the places of pain. God transforms our pain to beauty through His mercy, healing, and love. Thank you, Jesus! Amen! Amen!
Where are you hurting?
Is your hurt impacting your relationships and your behavior?
What is one step you can take today to walk towards getting help and finding healing?
PRAYER: Abba, Father. we are hurting and we need your love and your salvation. We do not need to hide from you for you already know us fully and created us with intention. Please help us to see the value and worth we have in your eyes and not rely on the world to define and judge who we are. We are already treasured by you and crafted for purpose by you. You are love. And you promise that if we live in love we live in you, and you in us. (1 John 4:16) You will never leave us alone. (Deuteronomy 31:6) If we call your name, believe in Jesus as our Savior, and accept your forgiveness through faith, we will be saved. (Romans 4:5) Thank you, Lord, for your love, healing power and forgiveness. Amen.
Hi, Sweet Circle. I love sharing this part of my journey with you regarding the website. I know why I picked the things that I did, but you do not. I can’t speak for other websites, but every single decision from font choices to color schemes to pictures, had specific meanings for me. Let me explain so you can see the God-things in the visual elements. I hope you feel more connected to me after reading the posts on the Design Elements. (I will break them up into several Parts to keep each post short and sweet.) I hope you look at the site differently now when you go to stacyturley.com. I hope the visual elements allow you to see the community we have with our Lord in a new and exciting way.
This element is extremely important to me. I am drawn to the one-line flower every time I see it. Mostly because it reminds me of my life’s journey. I feel that my life has been filled with many ups and downs, turns and twists…just as you may feel about yours. For example, when I was younger, I was greatly impacted by an abusive relationship. It formed and impacted many of my relationships from that point forward regarding trust, control, connection and barriers. I also experienced some very deep friendships while I was healing from this experience that brought me great comfort and hope. In my 30’s, I spent several years struggling with eating disorders due to a time when my life seemed out of control. My husband, friends, and counselor helped me see my worth and value in Jesus during this struggle. They helped me feel loved and cherished at a time when I did not really love myself. And most recently, I was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease. It has brought me physical pain and anxiety for my future, but also a sensitivity and compassion for those who are living with long-term, sometimes invisible, illnesses.
All of these twists and turns shaped who I am today. At the time they appeared to be leading me to unknown and unwanted places. But when I step back and look at my life as a whole, I see how beautiful these experiences have been to shape me, mold me and reform me into God’s beautiful creation…like the flower. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me see how every experience can be used by you to help others and myself see the wisdom and your glory born out of our journeys.
I chose these colors around the theme of “the sand and the sea”. The sea, the sand, the sunrise and sunset are elements of the place where I feel the closest and most intimate with God. I wanted the colors to reflect the colors that I see when I am in this place of contentment, serenity, and peace with Jesus.
Shades of brown and tan – THE SAND. The sand reminds me of Genesis 22:17, when God promised Abraham, “I will bless you with every blessing and I will make your descendants very numerous, like the stars of the heavens or the sand on the shore of the sea.” It also reminds me of how God created each one of us uniquely. We are all different, special, and cherished by our Creator. And there are SO MANY OF US!!
Shades of blues – THE SEA. I love the sound of the sea. I love the crashing power and violence of the waves. I am mesmerized by the infinite shades of blue that exist when I gaze at the water from above. I love the mystery of the sea which is thousands of feet deep in places and filled with mammals, fish, and vegetation of all kinds. So much of these deep, dark places of the sea are yet to be discovered. That amazes me!! It reminds me of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
the mystery of God
the unseen and unknown characteristics of God
the power of God,
the rhythm of God in our lives
the beauty of who He is and how He loves us.
Shades of pinks and orange – THE SUNRISE AND SUNSET. The sunrises and sunsets remind me of the beginnings and endings of our lives, and that there is beauty in both. And also the chance to start each day anew as well as put the challenges of the past to rest.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Where do you see God in your life?
What places make you feel closest to God?
Are there creative designs that have special meaning to you? If so, what are they and why?
Have you used these designs in some way to help you remember how God been with you in times of joy and struggle?
I heard this song You’re Worth It by Cimorelli for the first time yesterday, May 24, 2022. (Thank you, Spotify playlist Happy Mix!) It brought both tears to my eyes and joy in my heart. The songs states so many areas where we have allowed our value and worth to be defined and degraded by lies from the enemy. Here is a sample of the lyrics:
“You are not your makeup, not your clothes,
an anonymous face that no one knows.
You’re not a skin color, a pretty face,
The number of inches around your waist.
There’s so much that you’ve been through that nobody knows.
So many things you never show.
You are more than labels,
More than pain.
Baby, you’re more than your mistakes
And you’ve got something to say…”
I struggled for years with feeling “not enough”, regretting my mistakes and comparing myself to others. I remember in elementary school comparing my hair and body type to other girls as we gradually and unevenly reached puberty. I remember in junior high comparing myself to other girls regarding body weight, athleticism and whether or not we had had our first kiss. I remember in high school and college comparing myself to others regarding boyfriend status, academics, sports, body weight, personality, number of friends, and more. For too many years I wasted time and tears on these comparisons. It seemed the older I got the more qualities I found to compare.
So why do we feel we are not worthy?
Body image issues
“Not enough” syndrome
Defined by past mistakes or regrets
Unforgiveness towards ourselves and others
Low self esteem and self doubt
Past trauma or abuse
Defined by our stuff
We feel unknown, invisible
Defined by our physical appearance or performance – skin color, hair, height, weight, abilities, ranking, score contributor, grades, etc.
Feel free to add to this list!
The self doubt and low self-esteem lead me to doubt the value of myself and my worth in all the areas above. I would say to myself, “Why am I here?”; “What do I have to offer?”; “She is so much better.”; “I cannot compare.”; “No one will like me like they like her.”; etc. And the crazy thing is that it likely other girls and women were saying the same thing about me. It was a dialogue that the enemy loves for us to have on repeat. The enemy wants us to live in this area of “not enough”. For if we feel we are “not enough” then we will never see ourselves as capable of anything profound and we especially will not see ourselves as warriors for God’s Kingdom. Do I hear an AMEN? Does anyone resonate with this thinking?
My, Sweet Friends. The next lyrics in this song are so powerful and so true. This is what made me feel joy!! Our Savior Jesus is shouting these words to us too and celebrating us in them. Read and HEAR them now:
“When will you realize?
Baby, you’re worth it.
You don’t have to do anything to earn it.
Baby, you’re perfect.
You deserve it.
When will you see what I see
And realize you’re worth it?”
We ARE enough. We ARE worthy. We DO have value. We ARE known. WE ARE LOVED beyond anything we can imagine. When you feel doubt of your own value, when you hear the lies of the enemy whispering in your ear, I urge you to rebuke him with the Truth of God’s Word. To shout out loud, if it helps, to silence the lies and rest in the light of the Truth.
You do not have to stay in the pit, my Friends. Let’s crawl out together! Arm in arm! Let’s help ourselves, our sisters, our friends, our daughters, our tweens and teens, and anyone struggling with their value and worth. This is not just a girl-thing. This is a humanity-thing. Our boys and men struggle too and we need the Truth of Jesus to set us free!! We are stronger together. The enemy has already been defeated by the blood of Christ so let’s not give him any ground to slow us down.
Amen, Sweet Circle of Friends!! And, “YES!!! WE ARE WORTH IT!” Thank you, Jesus.
God works in mysterious ways…for sure. Sometimes He works in a coffee shop in Westfield, IN, through conversations that are overheard and misinterpreted! I hate to use the word “eavesdropping”. “Eavesdropping” sounds so wicked. I prefer to say “overheard” or it-was-quiet-and-their-voices-carried or something less intentional. 🙂 This was the case on an early weekday morning in the fall of 2021. I was sitting in one of my favorite coffee shops working on my Bible study, and I “overheard” a lady sitting at a table nearby talking to a client of hers. She was using words like “design”, “layout”, “color scheme”, etc. I thought she must be an interior designer. My husband and I had been contemplating talking to an interior designer to get some ideas on updating the interior of our home. So I decided to stop her on her way out if she left before I did since I was sitting near the exit door.
Now I am not going to say that I dilly-dallied to make sure that she left before me, but I certainly did not speed up my quiet time to leave before her! Their meeting was wrapping up, so I rallied myself to speak up and stop her. I bluntly stated, “Excuse me, I overheard you speaking with that gentleman. Are you an interior designer by chance?” She stated that no, she was not an interior designer, but a graphic designer. Really!? Now that is a turn that I was not expecting. I let her know that being a graphic designer was even more intriguing to me than an interior designer. I told her that I was seeking a website designer and if she would consider meeting with me to learn more. She said, “YES!”
That is how I met Amy Durbin from Fat Cat Sam Designs!
Amy is amazing! We spoke on the phone first to talk about my vision for a website, the purpose and intention of the website, ideas/styles for a logo, audience, and ideas for the subpages and growth of the website, and also my personal story. She was interested and excited about the challenge. We decided to meet in December 2021 to talk about the specifics.
At our first meeting, Amy had already been noodling over logo ideas and colors. At the same time, I had been pulling examples of logo ideas that I liked for other companies. When we met, she brought in her initial drawings based on our phone call. She felt drawn to the idea of circles and how circles represent completeness, community, and wholeness. This is exactly what I had been thinking too and many of my samples included this idea. We already felt connected and in-tune with each other regarding the design elements. And I really felt heard by Amy. I was impressed with how well she listen to my ideas and was able to incorporate what I was speaking to a visual representation that portrayed the same message. The final logo is a very close edit of one of her original designs.
We worked closely together for the next four months. From December 2021 to April 2022, she created the website stacyturley.com. She incorporated so many of my ideas by using her own artistic flair. I love the result and I treasure Amy. I am grateful for the friendship that grew out of this relationship. She is so talented and you may contact her directly too! Her information is on My Favorite Things – Other Stuff.
I believe God had a hand in this chance meeting. Even if it was through eavesdropping or overhearing someone else’s conversation in a quiet coffee shop. I have experienced so much joy and gratitude by meeting Amy. Here are some of the things I am grateful for:
I am grateful that the Holy Spirit nudged me to speak up.
I am grateful for the change meeting as it reminded me how God provides for the little things in our lives if we listen and respond to him.
I am grateful for the easy way Amy and I communicate and understand each other.
I am grateful for Amy’s creativity and talent.
I am grateful for the final result. It so perfectly expresses my vision, Amy’s creativity, and God’s purpose to reach other women who need to hear how valued they are…how loved they are…just they way they are.
What are the big things and little things each day that you are thankful for?
Take a moment to write these down in a notebook. How does it make you feel when you read over them?
Do you feel more joy or peace or contentment than before after reviewing this list?
How have even negative experience brought about change that you may be grateful for?
What has made me smile or laugh recently?
How can I make this a daily habit in my life to document the big and little things that I am grateful for? (Join the Circle of Friends and receive the Gratitude Worksheet and 34 Gratitude Prompts. Just mention GRATITUDE in the Message box.)
PRAYER: Abba Father, you love us more than we can imagine. You desire a relationship with us. You have a plan for us. You want to prosper us and give us hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11). I know we have this hope through your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, God, for your Son and the sacrifice He made for us to conquer sin and restore our relationship with You. Thank you for speaking to us through the Holy Spirit….through the tiny nudges we feel each day to respond to you. Thank you for the big things and the little things in our daily lives to remind us that you SEE us, you HEAR us, and you FEEL our pain and our needs. Thank you for never leaving us alone for you are always with us. Lord, help us to remember these promises. Amen.
I stumbled across this website on Pinterest. I was especially drawn to the Prayerful Journal!! And I LOVE it! It is a great way for me to use and pray through the daily scripture prompts from the same company, as well as document the Truth of who God is, who I am as a child of God, and what I am grateful for each day. I also document my prayers for the day in the same journal. I bought the one in MINT as found HERE. But there are other options too! Check them out!
Spurgeon and the Psalms – Praying the Psalms – AUGUST 2023
This is actually a book, but I included it here as a tool I am using for a deeper prayer life in conjunction with the above Prayerful Journal! Check it our HERE on Amazon.
Standing Pencil Case Large Capacity by HousolutioN – AUGUST 2023
Alright…truth be told. I am an office supply junkie! I love all my pens, pencils, highlighters of all colors with me all the time in my book bag. This is a great organizer for me and it also holds my extra pencil refills and sticky notes. So fun in PINK. Go to Amazon for more information HERE.
Pacific Sourdough Bakery in Waldport, Oregon – AUGUST 2023
Oh my word!!! Fantastic! My husband and I drove to the coast in Waldorf, OR in July. We saw a sign for fresh sourdough bread and thought…”Why not!!” When we followed the sign to the bakery, we found a line of people waiting to get in. Well…this is now even more intriguing. We HAD to get in line and try this out. The bakery was closing in 15 minutes and we had no idea if we would make it in before closing or before they ran out…whichever came first. It was worth the wait! If you are ever in Waldport, Oregan, then you MUST check them out. For more information click HERE.
by Stacy Turley. Use these to help stimulate your brain on how and where God is blessing you in the big and small things of everyday life. Download the worksheet for FREE.
Lifecoast Bible Crafters – Early 2023
The women – Sisters in Christ – at Lifecoast Bible Crafters changed my life. My hubby and I spent the month of April 2023 in Palm Coast, Florida. I found this group on the internet while looking for a women’s ministry group I could participate in while in Florida. These women welcomed me, supported me, and prayed for me! They included me in the fold of friendship and I can’t wait to see them next year. If you are near Palm Coast, Florida…check our Lifecoast Church and this group!!
Center Pull Yarn Winding Tool – Early 2023
I love center pull yarn while I am working. This tool makes it easy to hand wind your yarn with a center pull even while traveling and on the move. Super easy to wind and easy to store. Take this with you in your notions pouch for convenience! Check it our HERE at Knitpicks.com
Blueberry Cottage Yarn and Wool – Early 2023
in Plymouth, Indiana!! Visit my hometown and this awesome knitting store in the heart of downtown. You will find knitting, crocheting, weaving, needlepoint, embroidery and other fiber crafts. Free sit-n-knit whenever they are open with coffee and cookies! Join others while working on your crafts and make some new friends. Go to their website for more information HERE.
Office Supplies – April 2022
I LOVE office supplies including journals, planners, pens, pencils, etc. Here are some of my favorite finds in the office supply world.
Refillable Writer’s Log by MemoriesMadeCustom on Etsy here.
Rothy’s The Point Shoe – April 2022
“I only have one pair. It was a birthday gift to me. But I LOVE their mission to use recycled plastic water bottles in order to help eliminate waste on our planet to make their products. Check them out here!
Amy Durbin – Graphic Designer – May/June 2022
I have been blessed to have met Amy Durbin, owner of Fat Cat Sam Designs. She is a talented Graphic Designer who created my logo and website. You may reach her at amy@fatcatsam.com
PILOT FriXion Erasable Pens – May/June 2022
I really like these erasable pens. Looks like a pen but surprisingly correctable with the eraser. Smooth writing experience and some fun barrels and colors too. Here is one option on Amazon for a polka dot barrel! Click HERE!
by Stacy Turley. Use these to help stimulate your brain on how and where God is blessing you in the big and small things of everyday life. Download the worksheet for FREE.
Thrive Causemetics
I heard about Thrive Causemetics from a podcast that I listen to periodically. The podcast hosts review products they love each week. I love to check out the ones that inspire me and this is one of them!! Thrive Causemetics has a great mission of giving back to the community to help women “thrive”! I love the mission, and the products are wonderful. Some of my favorites so far are the Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara, the Brilliant Eye Brightener, and the Triple Threat Color Stick. Please Email me if you try these out. I would love to hear about your experience!
The Roasterie Coffee Company – Kansas City Coffee Company since 1993
Oh, yum!!! I am a bit of a coffee person. I love, love, love good coffee. I prefer decaf (otherwise I am awake all night,) and flavored roasted coffees. I tend to drink it black unless I am drinking it as a dessert. Then a bit of non-dairy cream is lovely. The Roasterie Coffee Company makes some great coffees. Some of my favorites are Betty’s Recipe and French Caramel Cream. The seasonal coffees are also fantastic, and they will be released in the fall. Click HERE for the link to the Roasterie Coffee Company and more coffee selections.
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