Hi, Friends – This is Stacy Turley.  About 20 years ago I was introduced to knitting by a woman I met at a retreat I used to own.  She had brought a project with her to work on, and in the process of watching her, seeing her creation come to life, and listening to the gentle rhythm of the needle, I fell in love.  She taught me to knit and purl while at the retreat.  Before the weekend was over, I stopped by a local knitting store, purchased yarn and a basic scarf pattern, and got to work.  From that day forward I always have a project with me!

Over the years, knitting and crocheting have become a connection for me to meet with God in prayer.  They were a lifesaving tool in my 30s when I was battling eating disorders in a desire to control my life when it seemed out of control. I used this process of creating something beautiful to remember that God created me; I have value in Jesus, and I too am beautiful as a creation of God’s.  (More on that in a future blog post!)   Knitting and crocheting also became the focus of a service group that I founded with a friend called Graceful Hands Go Group to give back to our community by making items for people and organizations in need.  (More on that in the Warriors section!)   Bottom line, knitting and crocheting are a BIG part of my life and I love to make items for those I love as an act of love.

The attached picture is a shawl that I made for my daughter-in-law as a wedding gift.  Her colors were blue, gray, and white.  The shawl was a combination of several lace patterns.  It was wispy and soft and the perfect shade of blue.  It was a joy to make it; pray over it; pray for her, and then give it to her as a token of my love for her as a daughter to me in our family.

I have attached the pattern for you on Ravelry.  I hope you enjoy it too!!
