Are there days when you can literally feel your age in your bones? The little creaks, pops, and pain? The sagging skin and weakening eyes? Do you feel sore after doing a chore or task that you have done for years and years and it never hurt before? Maybe you have a new ailment or diagnosis that leaves you wondering …where did this come from??

I am one of those people who absolutely LOVEs my birthday!! I love to celebrate the day that God brought me to the world. The first day of a new plan for His kingdom with me (and millions of others who were born on April 10th,) in mind. I have cherished each year of aging as a gift from God. Another 365 days to reflect on where God has shown Himself in my life and the lessons that I learned.

I normally take the day off of work. I like to celebrate “my day” by filling it with activities that bring me joy. These activities definitely start with COFFEE! I love to explore new coffee shops, find a quiet place to sit and knit, read, maybe get a facial, share a meal with a friend, and normally end with dinner with my hubby, Pat. Phone calls from my kids, my parents, my brothers, and my friends are part of the days smiles and warm fuzzies too!

At 53 years old, I am coming to realize that along with the celebration of the years since my birth, I also have a few unwelcomed guests…aches, pains, medications, more frequent doctors’ appointments and unwanted diagnosis’. It seems like I knew this was coming as my mom always warned me, “Getting old is not for the weak.” My Grandma Saltsgiver told the same thing to my mom when she was growing up, and I am sure I will pass along the same words of wisdom to my daughter!

Oh my word! This week I am living that reality with four doctor’s appointments in two days!! Yikes!!

Thursday, August 18th –

  • Audiologist for slight hearing loss
  • Orthopedic Surgeon for pain in my hips with a lovely limp to match

Friday, August 19th –

  • Optometrist for a regular check up and vision test. One of my meds may cause blindness so I have to get my eyes checked every three to four months.
  • Colon Surgeon…hmmm, nuff said!!

Yes, I sometimes feel like this is a bummer that I have more and more ailments to keep track of and medicines to remember and food restrictions. However, most of the time I am so grateful that God has blessed me with an amazing team of doctors to help monitor my ailments and provide solutions. God is so good!! I am never alone for I know Jesus is by my side through it all and I am grateful for the gifts and progress of medicine to help bring healing to so many people along with God’s power, strength and peace.

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” ~ Jeremiah 17:14

So…would you pray for me at all the upcoming tests and appointments this week? I would also like to pray for you! Please leave a note in the Comments section if you have a prayer request. I would be honored to lift you up in the name of Christ. Amen, Sisters!

Hugs and blessings, Sweet Circle.
