“Are knitting and crocheting idols for me?” That is the question that I recently asked my counselor. It seemed to me that there was a brief look of confusion on her face when I asked that question. I honestly did not want to explain because I feared that if she said “yes” that they were idols for me then I would have to give up two activities that bring me so much peace and joy. Let me explain…

In my blog post on 7/26/2022 called “In The Word #8: My Idol Was All About Numbers”, I shared about my obsession with body image that dominated my life in my mid-30’s. Body Image, weight, clothing size…all of them…were idols to me. After writing that post, I began to reflect on what my idols today might be. One of the things that I thought about was my love of knitting and crocheting. I shared with Kim, my counselor, that when I am stressed and overwhelmed, I typically pick up my needles to calm my spirit before I open my mind to prayer. As the needles click together rhythmically or the rotation-and-pull of the hook glides through the stitches, I feel my tension and stress fade away. My mind becomes occupied with a gentler and more calming activity rather than the spinning and spinning of the day’s anxiety. After I have a moment to calm down, I am able to pray and have a conversation with God. In all honesty, I don’t pray every time, but it is easier for me to pray after I am settled a bit. My fear was that since I pick up my needles before I speak to the Lord, I may be treating these activities as idols.

I thank the Lord often for my counselor who also shares my faith. She is able to observe and process more clearly my obstacles from a faith-perspective than with the lens I am using for myself. She is a gift to me. She asked me if I thought if it was possible that God Himself gave me these talents and activities as tools to slow down first so I may come to Him more fully. As she asked the question, I felt a sudden peace in my spirit. Her words felt right in my being. Almost as if God was saying, “YES! This is a gift I gave you. Do not fear.”

The process of knitting and crocheting remind me of how God created me…how He knitted me together in my mother’s womb (see Psalm 139). He is using these tools to calm my spirit and pave the path to come to Him in my time of stress. When I remember who I am in Christ as I reflect on this passage of scripture while each stitch is made then I am preparing my soul to hear Him more clearly. I respond to Him with a more open mind rather than being blocked by my human emotions.

Thank you, Jesus.

For you formed my inward parts;

    you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]

Wonderful are your works;

    my soul knows it very well.”

~ Psalm 139:13-14

My counselor also reminded me that the enemy loves to warp our perception of right and wrong, good and bad, righteous and not righteous. The enemy is the master deceiver, the father of lies. (John 8:44) With every gift from God, the enemy takes great pleasure in trying to destroy it by making us doubt its goodness and turn away from God’s promises and gifts. (1 Peter 5:8-9) I was reminded that it is possible that the enemy was deceiving me to think these gifts, these tools, given by God to me to bring me His peace and tranquility were bad and wrong. Now when I pick up my needles, I thank God for the peace I feel, and I rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus! I demand that he leave me alone.

What are my idols today? I am still processing this question and asking God to reveal to me all the things that I am putting before Him in my life. I know it will be a constant battle throughout my time here on earth to resist my selfish desires and continue to put Jesus first. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit in me who acts as my counselor to nudge me and say, “Here’s one, Sister.”

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: Please share in the Comments section below.

  1. What are your idols?
  2. How are you making changes in your life to put God first?
  3. How is God meeting you where you are today to help calm your spirit and bring you peace?


Abba, Father. Thank you for the gifts and talents that you have given of each one of us. I am so grateful that we are all uniquely made, knitted together by your hands, Lord Jesus. You know us intimately and desire a relationship with us. As the body of Christ, we are all needed for your Kingdom and our talents compliment each other. Help us to see where we are creating idols in our lives above You. Help us to respond actively when the Holy Spirit says, “Here’s one,” by accepting and repenting. For when we accept and repent, the power of Jesus will redeem! Amen.

Hugs & blessings, Sweet Circle,
