Last week was a big week for Pat (my dear husband) and I. We had a video call with my doctor to determine if this is the right time to move on to a new drug…a stronger treatment for my autoimmune disease Cicatricial Pemphigoid. I have been having flare-ups for weeks. (Let’s be honest…I have been having flare-ups for about 2 years but I keep trying to convince myself that I am better.) I have delayed this change for at least the last 9 months because I did not want to be on this drug, and I did not want the consequences that may develop.
I have been living in fear of the unknown, the lack of control, and the possible side effects. I do not want to live in fear anymore! I want to be the victor not the victim!! Read more on Fighting Fear HERE!) I have been more comfortable with “knowing” the pain and consequences of my current state and current drugs than “not knowing” what my pain and consequences would be on a new drug. Unfortunately, to remain in the status quo means that I am always in pain which is hard for me and my loved ones to witness. I am ready to make a change. It is time for me to kick fear out of the driver’s seat of my life and move forward with an opportunity to improve and heal.
So here we go!! I will remain on all my current treatment but add to it another drug called mycophenolate mofetil or CellCept. It is a drug used for transplant patients as an anti-rejection drug. However, people with my disease and other diseases like mine have found relief from the symptoms of pemphigus and pemphigoid on this drug. Mycophenolate mofetil is an immunosuppressant drug. If my immune system is suppressed then it cannot attack my own body. So, voila! Blisters are gone! At least, that is the hope!
There are potential side effects from this drug.
- Nausea
- Upset stomach
- Diarrhea
- Increased risk of getting certain cancers
- Increased risk of getting infections
- Blood issues such as low blood counts and higher glucose levels
- and others…
My goal is to focus on the potential benefits and NOT the potential side effects. I choose to stay positive. I CHOOSE JOY in this opportunity to feel better and have a better quality of life. Sometimes, I have to CHOOSE JOY every hour when I am having a bad day, but I CHOOSE JOY all the same. Thank you, Pat, my doctors, and my God for the patience and support and love that I have felt while making this decision over the last year. (To read more about CHOOSING JOY, click HERE for Life’s Journey #13: Choose Joy.)

I read this quote online today. I hope we all choose to keep fighting. To hold our heads up, with God at our side to shield and protect us, to fight the battles of this life. Let’s be BETTER, not BITTER. Let’s choose to be a VICTOR, not a VICTIM. How may I best support you in this effort?Please share with me the battle you are fighting so I may pray and support YOU, too!
Abba, Father. Hear the prayers of your children. You already know what we are fighting. You know our choices and our actions. You know US and our situations. Lord, give us the strength to endure and to be strong… to CHOOSE JOY… to choose to follow you in all things and at all times. Thank you, Jesus.
Hugs & blessings,
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