Hello, Sweet Circle of Friends.  My husband and I have been on-the-go for the last six weeks…from March 16th to May 1st.  I was concerned about the stress of it all in early March with planes, drives, moving, coordinating, etc.  But God brought the best of it all!  In all the moments, I continued to CHOOSE JOY. Sometimes I succeeded and I saw the blessings in the little things. Sometimes I missed the mark and my emotions were in control. With each new day, or even each new hour of the day, I worked towards finding the JOY. The JOY was occasionally as small as watching a butterfly flip through the air or as grand as celebrating my medical test results…even if the results were not what I wanted to hear. The JOY was in the mere fact that we have results. I no longer have to wonder and I can focus on the next steps. A summary of my blessings for each adventure are below.

WASHINGTON D.C – March 16 – March 21

My first excursion was to Washington D.C. to help our son and daughter-in-law move from Columbia, Maryland, to Washington D.C.  I flew.  My husband drove.  We had three days of boxing things up, taking apart furniture, driving the hour back and forth with loads of items in our cars and in the moving truck, unloading, unboxing and re-assembling the furniture.  It was crazy, but so exciting at the same time.  By the time I left on Tuesday, we had virtually everything unpacked and in it’s place.  We were only lacking a few more plants to brighten up the spare bedroom/office and a bit of the office equipment to unpack and set up.

What were the blessings in the trip to D.C.?

  • I felt blessed to be with Mitch and Shannon as well as Shannon’s mom over the long weekend! 
  • I was relieved at our progress with the move. I was joyful knowing that Mitch and Shannon would have the least possible disruptions in their busy lives.
  • My heart was happy to know that Mitch and Shannon were in a safer community.
  • I love their new place and the area.  It is walkable to so many things including several coffee shops :-), restaurants, shopping, Union Station, and all the sites of D.C.  The row house is adorable with so much character. 
  • They are closer to their church, small group community, public transportation for school/work, and friends.
  • We all had safe travels to and from D.C. as well as multiple trips between the apartment and row house.
  • We were able to worship together at their church in D.C.   Always fantastic!

Thank you, Jesus, for a the opportunity to be able to help them and for great conversation and memories during this hectic move.

CORVALIS, OREGON – March 24 – March 29

Two days after returning from D.C. I flew to Corvalis, Oregon, to see my daughter Madi over her spring break.  She was feeling burned-out from classes and exams, and we both needed some downtime. We enjoyed balancing our chores with some much needed rest.  So we tackled one action along with a bit of fun and rest each day.  It was a perfect getaway to see my Madi-girl and get her ready for the last term of her 3rd year of Vet School. 

What were the blessings in the trip to Oregon?

  • I was blessed to be able to fly to Oregon and see my daughter!
  • We have a tradition that every time I come we rearrange her bedroom.  We did this the first two days.  It was so rewarding to see the new perspective and know that we were changing things just enough to make the new term feel like a fresh start.  I loved helping to make her vision come to life.
  • I enjoyed meal-prepping so she was stocked with some healthy, favorite food choices.
  • We went to her church together for an amazing praise and worship experience!  Always uplifting to see the familiar faces and powerful service!
  • I was blessed that one of Madi’s small group members prayed over me and my health at the service.
  • I was blessed to spend time with my daughter.   No matter what we did…whether it was a project, craft, chore, or just rest, she was and is a bright light in my life. 

PALM COAST, FORIDA – March 31 – May 1

WOW!!!  What an experience!  Pat and I have never taken a month to get away from the Indiana cold weather and work remotely.  This was our first time to do this and first time in Palm Coast.  We found a condo in Palm Coast on VRBO and decided to GO FOR IT!  We booked it 14 months in advance and had a year to save up and prepare.  Not only did we go on this trip, but we took our 75 lb. dog…Grizzly…with us!  It was amazing!!!  We loved it and we will definitely do this again!  AS a matter of fact…we ARE doing this again in the exact same condo for April 2024!

What were the blessings in Palm Coast, Florida?

  • I loved the quality time with my loving, wonderful husband on the drive and throughout the month.
  • I felt so connected with our Creator God on my walks along the beach with Grizzly.
  • I loved being surrounded by the roar of the waves on the beach while doing my Bible study at sunrise.
  • We were blessed with terrific views of the ocean and golf course around us.
  • We were blessed to share this experience with friends and family who stayed with us during part of the trip.
  • Finally, one of the most powerful experiences in my life was finding and connecting with Lifecoast Church Bible Crafters.  The women of this group…my sisters in Christ…welcomed me, adopted me into their group, listened to me, and shared with me the love of Christ and the love of crafting.  There are no words to express the impact they had and still have on me.  I can’t wait to see their beautiful faces again in April 2024!  Love you all, sweet Sisters!

” A journey is best measured in FRIENDS, rather than MILES.”

~Tim Cahill

The last nine days back in Indiana have been filled with reflection, praises and prayers for the people and experiences on these three trips. I treasure the memories we made together with old friends, new friends, and family. I am grateful for the opportunities to see our children. And I am blessed and amazed at how I saw God’s plan in action by leading me to the Lifecoast Church and Lifecoast Bible Crafters. You all amaze me and I love seeing the light of Jesus in your eyes and actions.

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please share your thoughts in the comments below.)

  • Are you traveling this summer?  Where and what are your plans while there?
  • If not, what might you consider exploring locally to build new memories and meet new people?
  • Who was the last new friend you made and how might God have been working in that encounter?

Hugs and blessings, Sweet Circle!
