Hello, Friends. I asked for your prayers and support last week during my whirlwind of doctors’ appointments, and I THANK YOU for lifting me up. My appointments grew from four over two days to SIX over three days. Here is a summary…

Thursday, August 18th –

  • Audiologist for slight hearing loss
    • GREAT News! My hearing improved and the issues were due to swelling of my ear canal. We used antibiotic drops and my hearing returned to normal. I had no pain during this time. I had no idea my ear was irritated and swollen internally. Thank you, Jesus!
  • Orthopedic Surgeon for pain in my hips with a lovely limp to match
    • We have an answer! I have two strained muscles in two different locations. The left hip is a mid-glute muscle strain. The right hip is an upper IT band strain. So different locations of pain but both due to muscular issues. I have to cut back on high impact exercise. No running, jogging, or sharp changes of direction. Walking and elliptical machines are best for now. I am grateful it is NOT arthritis or anything more serious. Thank you, Jesus.

Friday, August 19th –

  • ADD ON Appt: Dentist for dental trays to soak my gums in a steriod gel to heal my blisters and help prevent more….at least that is the hope!
    • I love having another option in my cocktail of medicines to FIGHT Cicatricial Pemphigoid! The battle is not over and we keep fighting for a solution. God is GOOD!
  • Optometrist for a regular check up and vision test.  One of my meds may cause blindness so I have to get my eyes checked every three to four months. 
    • No serious issues, but my eye sight changed enough that new glasses are recommended. I cannot wear contacts so I love to shop for “new looks” with my glasses. I am trying something new and a little edgy…for me. That part is so fun!! Yay!!
  • Colon Surgeon…hmmm, nuff said!!
    • All is well now. Nuff said!

Monday, August 22nd –

  • ADD ON Appt: General Practitioner for increased anxiety and a few days of depression.
    • We have a plan! After a year and a half of trying to find a solution to control my autoimmune disease with little progress, my stress and anxiety has increased. I am currently on the lowest dose of anti-anxiety medication. So we will increase the dose and pray that it controls the anxiety which may be the cause of the bouts of depression. Thank you, Lord, for my understanding doctors and the medical assistance with these emotions.

Yes, I sometimes feel like this is a bummer that I have more and more ailments to keep track of and medicines to remember and food restrictions.  However, most of the time I am so grateful that God has blessed me with an amazing team of doctors to help monitor my ailments and provide solutions.  God is so good!!  I am never alone for I know Jesus is by my side through it all and I am grateful for the gifts and progress of medicine to help bring healing to so many people along with God’s power, strength and peace.

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” ~ Jeremiah 17:14

I would also like to pray for you!  Please leave a note in the Comments section if you have a prayer request.  I would be honored to lift you up in the name of Christ.  Amen, Sisters!

Hugs and blessings, Sweet Circle.
