My father-in-law James Turley was passionate about the genealogy of his family. He had traced back the Turley family, in some cases, to before they immigrated to the United States. He had a great deal of knowledge of the maternal branches of the family tree as well. He knew where many of the family members lived, what they did for a living, and where they were laid to rest. He spent many hours researching the details of their lives and many more hours traveling to visit the cities where they lived and were buried. He knew their names and in many cases he had pictures of them from various historical documents. His mission was to document the Turley family history for future generations. Dad Turley did not want his family tree to be forgotten after he was gone. He wanted all of them to be remembered.

In Matthew 1, verses 1-17, we read about the genealogy of Jesus. Many times in the past when I read this section in Matthew, I frequently skimmed over it. I did not really see the need to read through all these names…so-and-so, the father of so-and-so, the father of so-and-so…and on and on for 42 generations. It seemed like details that were not necessary. Oh, how wrong I was!

“So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.” ~ Matthew 1:17

I believe that this section is so revealing of the character of God and His love for us. This Holy Spirit-inspired scripture reminds us of how intimately God knew those who lead to the birth of His son Jesus. He did not only remember the people who did “big things” in His name. He remembers ALL of the people in the family lineage of Jesus. Those who made many bad decisions, those who were deceitful, those who were prostitutes, those who committed adultery, and on and on. God knew all of them by name and loved them all. So much so that He allowed His perfect son to be born of a lineage that was full of dysfunction and sin. Why? Because Jesus came to conquer that very sin and bring healing and restoration.

God’s awareness and intimacy did not stop with the birth of Jesus. God knows our names too. And not just our names….he has put our tears in His bottle (Psalm 56:8) and numbered the hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:29-30). He knows us intimately and He knows our family lineage…all of the branches! Matthew 1:1-17 is a beautiful example of how much God loves each one of us. He shows us how well he knows us by saying our names, naming our children and parents to the beginning and end of the ages, numbering our hair and bottling our tears. We are KNOWN. We are LOVED. We have VALUE! This is a passage to celebrate and find comfort in. For Jesus knows more about us than we know about ourselves.

While we may have missing links in our family tree or we may rather not remember some of the more interesting characters of our lineage, God remembers and knows all of us. Our background and our sins do not matter. God is not afraid of dysfunction. He has the power to overcome and defeat all sin, to redeem our story, and to bring beauty from the ashes of our lives.

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please share in Comments to encourage one another.)

  • How does this make you feel that God knows you by name, sees your tears, and knows you intimately?
  • Have you seen God redeem parts of your story? If so, how?
  • Is there anyone in your family who may need to hear about the love of Jesus?
  • What is one step you may take to help a family member or friend feel known, loved and worthy…to show them the love of Jesus?


Abba, Father. Thank you sharing with us the genealogy of Jesus. For showing how important we all are by naming and documenting the ordinary people with ordinary lives who lead to the extraordinary Jesus. Help us to remember that we are known by you, loved by you, and valued by you. Help us also share this same love and care to one another. Amen.

Hugs & Blessings, Sweet Circle!
