Have you ever found something that you did not realize you had lost?  That happened to me last week.  I was looking for a t-shirt to wear with some of my comfy pants since I was going to be home most of the day.  I wanted to feel like I was in pajamas without actually looking like I was in pajamas.  So I was digging through a bin on the bottom of my closet where I kept my t-shirts.  And out of the deepest depths of the bin, I felt a super soft, cozy, t-shirt.  “Hmmm…intriguing…which one is this?” I said to myself.  And as the other shirts seemed to part like the Red Sea, it was as if my closet was filled with the sounds of trumpets celebrating the lost t-shirt that was now found!  It was one of my very favorites shirts!  Until that moment, I did not know I had misplaced it.  I forgot I even owned it.

A few days after finding my t-shirt,  I was listening to 2 Kings 22 on the The Bible In A Year podcast (with Fr. Mike Schmitz).  King Josiah of Judah was taking steps to have the Temple  repaired.  King Josiah put the high priest Hilkiah in charge of the efforts.  At some point Hilkiah found the Book of the Law in the Temple…maybe even in the deepest depths of a bin in the bottom of a closet!  Soon after finding the Book of the Law, the secretary to the King read the book to King Josiah.  The king was devastated over the words in the Book of the Law for he knew the people of Judah, and their ancestors, did not follow the LORD’s covenant requirements. 

It appears that King Josiah and the priests did not realize they had lost the Book of the Law.  They may not have known that it existed.  The Book was a  guide on how to live within the covenant with God.  There may have been great joy when they found the Book and at the same time the king was filled with much sorrow as shown by the tearing of his clothes.  The king was enlightened to the separation that was created with God due to their current behavior that did not aligned with God’s demands based on this newly found treasure.  However, King Josiah believed the Law and he acted faithfully with a repentant and humble heart.  God responded to King Josiah  by showing mercy on him due to his conviction.

How many times have I “lost” the Word of God? How many times have I ignored the commands on righteous living?  Maybe I have gone days or weeks or more without picking up my Bible to read and to process His Word.  I know there have been many times when I have followed my own desires rather than what God may be calling or directing me to do.  In these times, I have lost my guide…or ignored it.  But even after I have lived for myself and my selfish desires, when I have realized my sin and error, when I have humbled myself and sought the forgiveness of my Lord, He has responded.  He has forgiven me.  He has reminded me that I am His child and He will welcome me home.  He will show mercy on me…on us…when we come to Him with a repentant heart and accept him as our Savior.  Jesus died for our sins…all of our sins…no matter how big or small. 

I was giddy when I found my t-shirt.  But the giddiness that I felt in finding that small treasure is nothing compared to the joy I feel when I “find” the Word of God and His promises to us.  Whether I have stepped away for a week, a day, or an hour, I am filled to overflowing.  His Word has the power to show us a path to forgiveness through Christ, to provide us all with a guide to right-living, and to fill us with joy regardless of our circumstances.

QUESTIONS TO PONDER:  Please share your thoughts in the Comments Box!

  • Have you ever found an item important to you that you did not realize you had lost?
  • How did you feel when you found it?
  • What treasures (or verses) have you “found” in the Bible that have spoken to you in such a way that you felt they were meant for you?

PRAYER:  Abba, Father.  Thank you for the reminder of how blessed we are to have Your Word at our fingertips.  Your love letter to us is one of our most valued treasures.  You have filled it with words of wisdom…to guide us, to nurture our spirits, to lead us to you when we are troubled, and to show us the path to forgiveness and eternity with you.  Thank you, Jesus, for the sacrifice you made for our sins and the gift of Your precious Word that we find in the Bible.  Amen.

Hugs & blessings,
