I was making my coffee this morning using one of those portable, pour over tools…you know what I mean, right? It makes one cup at a time. The process is slow and steady. During my wait I was rocking and swaying from side to side. Likely due in part from the comfort of the rhythm but let’s face it…also due to impatience and anticipation of what is to come…


As I rocked and waited I was struck by the similarities of waiting-for-the-pour-over and waiting-for-answers-from-God. The waiting from God is not only for “answers”, specifically, but also for His direction, wisdom, confirmation, healing, discernment, or a host of other responses from our Lord.

“So the LORD must wait for you to come to Him

so He can show you His love and compassion.

For the Lord is a faithful God.

Blessed are those who wait for His help.”

~ Isaiah 30:18

In my waiting for God’s lead…I am rocking and swaying in my soul. God calls me to wait on Him patiently and confidently.

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,

    and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,

    out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground

    and steadied me as I walked along.

~ Psalm 40:1-2

As for me, I look to the Lord for help.

    I wait confidently for God to save me,

    and my God will certainly hear me.

~ Micah 7:7

Why should I wait on God to lead me and answer me when I come before Him? Because God is a good and righteous and compassionate God: (Emphasis mine.)

Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;

    they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

The Lord is merciful and compassionate,

    slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

The Lord is good to everyone.

    He showers compassion on all his creation.

~ Psalm 145:7-9

God knows me, created, me, and goes before me.

O Lord, you have examined my heart

    and know everything about me.

~ Psalm 139:1

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body

    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

~ Psalm 139:13

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.

He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.

~ Deuteronomy 31:8

Yet, I know that patience and confidence while waiting is not always my posture. I am fighting the desire to do-it-on-my-own, to make-my-own decision based on my limited knowledge and understanding. I am pushing back against Satan and his minions who lie to me and deceive me in thinking that my way and my timing is better than God’s way and God’s timing. I am swaying and rocking in my anticipation of God’s response. I struggle to slow down and wait to hear His still, soft voice. All the while knowing that His direction and path for me will ultimately warm and soothe my soul like a fresh, warm cup of coffee which comforts me on a chilly morning…if I just wait for Him.

Just like when we rush our pour-over coffee and end up with a watered-down, disappointing cup of joe, when we rush into decisions without waiting on God’s guidance and discernment through the Holy Spirit, we may face unexpected disappointment and trials. The WAIT is worth it, Friends! God often has a reason for the wait. It may be that He has something better for us that is still developing…still brewing. The wait is necessary for a rich, robust, and fulfilling result!


Abba, Father. Thank you for waiting on me…for not giving up on me. You desire to show me, and all Your creation, Your deep love and compassion. Thank you, Jesus, for your patience and faithfulness as You wait on us to turn to You. Lord, help me to trust You, to wait on You, and to recognize Your voice. You know what’s best for me. Help me to let go of my own control, pride, and desire for attention and recognition. I am Yours and You are mine. I choose to wait for You in all I do. Help me to be faithful to You. Help me to trust You patiently and confidently in the wait. Amen.


  • What are you currently waiting on?
  • Are you struggling in the midst of the wait?
  • How are you struggling and what is the result of that struggle?
  • What is the next step you may take to be obedient to God in the wait?

Hugs & blessings,
