Last night my Dear Hubby and I were talking about my latest doctor’s appointment on 9/18/2023 and my ongoing maladies:
- autoimmune disease that we are still working to control after 2-3 years of symptoms,
- ongoing insomnia issues,
- five years, and counting, of menopause symptoms,
- side effects of medications,
- side effects from autoimmune symptoms,
- fatigue, stress/anxiety, and general malaise, at times.
My Hubby mentioned that my current struggles remind him of the story of Job…How God permitted Satan to bring trials to Job’s life as a testament to Job’s righteousness as a faithful servant. Job experienced personal and financial loss, illness, suffering and even rejection from his remaining family and friends as a result of the Enemy’s plagues against him. Yet in the midst of those trials, Job remained faithful to God. Even when he wife challenged him and his decision to continue to submit to God, he remained faithful and shared his heart with her.
His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”
He [Job] replied, “You are talking like a foolish[b] woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”
In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Job’s friends challenged him…even blamed him…that he had to have done something wrong to be in the situation of struggle that he was facing. Job continued to argue his case that he was not to blame; yet he did not know why this was happening to him. In all of this, Job did not just talk about God with his friends and his wife. He also cried out to God with his struggles and confusion.
Job’s words and actions have also brought me words of HOPE and JOY. Job has reminded me that my God and Father cares for me. He knows my limitations and He desires to strengthen me and my relationship with him through and due to my trials. I must go through these situations for growth and renewed closeness to my Savior.
In summary, some of the LESSONS I learned from the Book of Job are the following:
- I am able to love God and remain faithful to him while lamenting my losses and burdens.
- God is big enough to handle my honesty and my laments. (Plus…He already knows them anyway.)
- I am able to pray to God about all my fears and doubts.
- God will never leave me and he protects me in my trials.
- Even in the midst of the most devastating trials, I may still put my hope and joy in the Lord.
- God is in control of all things.
- My trials have the ability to draw me closer to my Savior.
Unlike Job’s wife and friends, my Hubby has supported, encouraged and cared for me through my health journey. He has protected me when I have struggled to set boundaries. He has provided countless foot rubs when I need to relax and rest. He has gifted me with little (and not so little) surprises to help bring me joy and community with those I love. Thank you, Pat, for your care, compassion and love. You are a gift from God to me.
I hope and pray the story of Job brings you comfort and hope in the midst of your trials, too, my Friends. Bless you this day and every day!
Abba, Father. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Thank you for the promise to never leave us, the promise to never burden us with more than we can bare, and the promise to love us and build us up during and through our trials. Our hope is in you, Jesus. You have sacrificed your life to save ours. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen.
- What is your current trial or trials?
- Who are you leaning on…yourself or your Savior?
- Have you been honest with yourself and with Jesus about your fears, your concerns and your frustrations?
- If not, why not take a moment to do so now.
Hugs and blessings, my Sweet Circle.
Beautifully stated, just as you are beautiful inside and out!