“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

~Romans 8:28


Lord, You know me so well! You know all my strengths, weaknesses, gifts and hang-ups. You know this because You created me. You molded me like clay in the Potter’s hand. You shaped, carved, and perfected me with Your own hands and from Your own image. It makes me wonder in awe how You do that for each of us and every being You created is unique and gifted and planned for purpose. With so many people in the past, so many living, and so many yet to come, You are creating and creating and creating. While at the same time, You hear our prayers and watch over all of us. You promise to never leave us. Amazing! You are a mighty and powerful God.

Lord, as apostle Paul wrote to us in Romans, “…all things work for Your good.” You are in CONTROL, Lord. I am living a lie if I think I have control. My trust is in You. You have a grand plan for Your creation and a specific plan for each of us. Even when I make the wrong choice You are able to work it out for Your good and the good of Your creation. You are able and willing to redeem our stories. Thank You, Lord, for Your guiding hand in my life. Amen.


Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 139, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 64:8, Genesis 1, Psalm 44:26

Hugs and blessings,
