Hello, Sweet Circle.  Can I just say that, “It has been a week.” 

One of the deepest desires of my heart is to be true to myself and true to you.  I shared in my last blog post Life’s Journey #15: The Drowning Man, my latest struggles with the decisions on my treatment for my autoimmune disease. I was struggling. I had doubts. I was crying out to God. I was asking and pleading for direction, and honestly, I was frustrated that I did not hear God’s voice. “Why aren’t you leading me, Lord?” This was a frequent cry of mine over the last week. I even prayed something to the effect of “Why am I praying if I cannot hear You, Lord?!” Yikes! As harsh as that may seem, I know my God, my Lord, is big-enough to handle my questions. He is big enough to hear my frustrations and not lash out at me or abandon me. He loves me and He loves YOU. He desires to hold me and hold YOU in His arms through it all …even when we are crying out to Him with our confusion, our laments, and even our anger.

Psalm 42 was one of the recent Psalms I read on May 12, 2023, while I was going through this challenging week. (See post In The Word #14: A Walk Through the Psalms for my reading plan.) I was moved by the honesty and directness of the Psalmist. My heart connected with these words as I read them. I loved the lessons and messages which spoke to me in these words. The permission to struggle, ask questions and praise our God in my communications with Him.

Read Psalm 42 below…

Psalm 42

For the choir director: A psalm[a] of the descendants of Korah.

As the deer longs for streams of water,
    so I long for you, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God.
    When can I go and stand before him?
Day and night I have only tears for food,
    while my enemies continually taunt me, saying,
    “Where is this God of yours?”

My heart is breaking
    as I remember how it used to be:
I walked among the crowds of worshipers,
    leading a great procession to the house of God,
singing for joy and giving thanks
    amid the sound of a great celebration!

Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
    I will praise him again—
    my Savior and my God!

Now I am deeply discouraged,
    but I will remember you—
even from distant Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan,
    from the land of Mount Mizar.
I hear the tumult of the raging seas
    as your waves and surging tides sweep over me.
But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me,
    and through each night I sing his songs,
    praying to God who gives me life.

“O God my rock,” I cry,
    “Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I wander around in grief,
    oppressed by my enemies?”
10 Their taunts break my bones.
    They scoff, “Where is this God of yours?”

11 Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
    I will praise him again—
    my Savior and my God!


  • Verses 1-2: I may express my longing for God. Sometimes I don’t feel as close and connected with God as I want to be. I know He has not left me, but I am drifting from Him for some reason. It may be my own sinful actions or unconfessed sin or time away from Him and His Word or whatever. But when I turn back to Him, I know He hears me. He is waiting for me to return. He welcomes me home to His open arms and His provision. He quenches my thirst for Him with His love and His Word.
  • Verses 3-4: I may be honest with my pain, my hurt, and my tears. God already knows what is going on in my head, my life, and my soul. He knows my hurt and my pain. I cannot hide anything from Him. I may open up to God in honesty, and I know His love is unconditional…always.
  • Verses 5-8: I may lament over my own confusion. And I praise God in the midst of the confusion. God’s provision, love and grace will wash over me like the waves of the sea. He is faithful, merciful, and full of grace. I may CHOOSE JOY always, knowing that God is with me always. Even when I am sad and my emotions are raging, God is with me. I may rejoice in Him, praise Him and the life that I have through His Son Jesus.
  • Verses 9-11: I may put my hope in God, my Rock. God desires my praise in all circumstances for my hope is in Him in all circumstances. Jesus has overcome temptation, peer pressure, sin, and death. I have eternal life in Jesus, because I believe. No matter what I am facing, I do not need to despair for I know God will redeem all. He will make beauty from ashes. He will remove all my shame, all my regret, all my doubts. For God is Good and I may CHOOSE JOY for the promises He gives me.

Amen and Thank You, Jesus.

I am not perfect and I make bad decisions.  But amidst the struggles of my human side, I also know that I am a beloved child of God.  I am known, valued, worthy and loved by my God.  I am only saved from sin through the love of Jesus.  Jesus is the one who can redeem my soul and forgive me of my shortcomings.  My hope is in Him and Him alone. He is worthy of my praise. His shoulders may bear the weight of my questions and pain. He will redeem me and my life.

And He will do the same for you, my Sisters and Brothers!

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please share in the Comments section below.)

  • What is the Psalm that speaks to your heart?
  • Why do you connect with it?
  • If you do not have a Psalm in mind, reflect on Psalm 42. Are you able to feel the Holy Spirit impress upon you comfort, hope and joy through the verses? What is coming to mind for you?

“To all who mourn in Israel,

    he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,

a joyous blessing instead of mourning,

    festive praise instead of despair.

In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks

    that the Lord has planted for his own glory.”

~ Isaiah 61:3

“Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you;

he will never leave you or forsake you.”

~ Deuteronomy 31:6

“O Lord, you have examined my heart

    and know everything about me.

You know when I sit down or stand up.

    You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.

You see me when I travel

    and when I rest at home.

    You know everything I do.

You know what I am going to say

    even before I say it, Lord.”

~ Psalm 139:1-4

PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus, for your love and provision. You are our gracious, forgiving, and merciful God. You love us unconditionally. You know us completely…even our sin. Yet you will never turn away from us. You are patient and kind and will welcome us home to you when we seek you and ask for forgiveness. We CHOOSE JOY and choose hope for you are with us always. Amen.

Hugs & blessings,
