During the month of April 2023, my husband and I rented a condo in Palm Coast, Florida. We transplanted ourselves into a new environment, new community and new rhythms for our month away from Indiana. Whenever I have been to a beach area, I am consumed by the sounds, sights and sands of the ocean. I am able to feel my spirit soar and my imagination rise like the tide. The rhythm of my day changes to accommodate the need to be connected to God through the sand and the sea, the roar and tumble of the waves, and the rise and fall of the tide.
This trip was no different, other than the fact that I had 30 glorious days to listen to the ocean, praise God with the roar of the waves, and let my prayers soar with the seagulls. Each morning I read from the Psalms out load while sitting on the beach or on the deck of the condo. I gasped, smiled and laughed in awe when the words sounded like the cries of my own heart (Psalm 16, Choose Joy). I lifted my hands in the air with words of praise (Psalm 103). And sometimes, I sat quietly reflecting on the cries of distress from the Psalmist, wondering how I would respond in the same circumstances (Psalm 59).
This rhythm of reading the Psalms each morning was new to me. I have been reminded frequently of the power and emotion found in the Psalms during sermons, Bible studies, podcasts and blog posts. But before this trip, I did not have a regular system or plan to spend time in this Book of the Bible on a regular basis. However, I wanted this to be part of my opening prayer to God each morning on this trip. I brainstormed my own ideas and read through some suggestions online. Here are a few of the ideas to consider if you would like to join me in this daily practice.
Method #1: Since there are 150 psalms in the Book of Psalms, then reading five consecutive chapters each day will allow you to finish the Book in 30 days. For those months that have 31 days, then you will have either a rest day or a catch up day at the end before beginning the next month. For the month of February, you will need to read a few more chapters on some of the days to end on time.
Method #2: Create a Psalms Reading Jar. Use 150 popsicle sticks (or pieces of paper), and number them 1 through 150 with a marker. Put the sticks/paper in a jar. Each morning draw five sticks and read the chapters corresponding to each number. Don’t replace the sticks into the jar until the end of the month when you are ready to start a new month. You may also use a second jar to hold the sticks that you have already completed. This might be a fun project to make as a family if you want to read along with kids or grandkids.
Method #3:
Since the chapters of the Psalms tend to stand alone, I decided to read five chapters a day using the following system:
I like this method because I can use the date to remind me my starting Psalm for the day, then I keep adding 30 to that number until I reach the end of the Book. (For example, on May 1st, I read Psalm 1, then 31, then 61, then 91 and finally 121. Does that make sense?)
“You make known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with JOY in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” (emphasis mine)
Frequently, I found myself especially drawn to specific verses of the Psalmists within one of the chapters. I used the verses as the basis for my prayer at the end of my time with Jesus each day. (I will close this post today by praying Psalm 16:11 below.) I hope this helps and motivates you to walk through the Psalms as part of your scripture reading. Jump in today or start on the first day of the next month. Either way, the time you spend in the Word of God will change you and grow your faith by not only understanding God’s character better, but also allowing His love wash over you through His words…reminding you of your value and worth. You are known, cherished and loved completely by Jesus. You are perfect just the way you are, my Friends.
Abba, Father. You know me completely. You reveal to me each day the path and plan for my life. Help me respond to your nudges, Jesus. You fill me with JOY just by being a beloved child of Yours. Regardless of what I am going through in my daily life, I know that I am Yours always and You will be with me always here on earth and through eternity. I choose YOU, God, and therefore I CHOOSE JOY in all things. Amen.
Do you read through the Psalms regularly? If so, what is your method? Please share in the comments below.
What is your favorite Psalm?
Consider sending a note to a friend or family member who needs some encouragement. Write your favorite verse(s) from the Psalms on a card, in a text, or in an email and send it to them. Allow the love of Jesus to work through you to lighten the path and show love for one another.
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
I was walking my dog Grizzly this week early in the morning, and I was shocked at the strength of the wind. It pushed against us constantly, blowing between 20 and 25 mph. The wind flapped Grizzly ears and whipped my hair in all directions. In the quiet of the morning during our walk, I reflected on how the qualities of the wind remind me of the presence of God and also my faith in Him.
The wind that morning was powerful, physical, and constantly present. I could not see it but there was no doubt that the wind was real. I contemplated how the force of the wind had the potential to be gentle and soothing as in the light breezes that flow off the ocean water, or the wind that tickles the stalks in the fields of corn, or the breezes that brush through our yards and playgrounds. It soothes us from the heat of a summer day on the beach, or at a ball field, or when we are working in our yard. Yet it can also be very violent and destructive to everything in its path such as in a tornado. Either way, the effects of the unseen wind are evident. Just as the effects of our unseen God are evident.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
We have proof in the stories of the Bible and in our own lives where God’s presence may feel like a gentle breeze or a violent gust of the wind, at different times. Jesus shows His gentle side in His compassion and care for the sinners, the lost, and the hurting. He also shows His might in the correction we experience through the consequences of our actions. Yet this correction is meant to remind us of our need for Him. He desires a loving relationship with us and for us to turn our lives back to him in faith and trust… not to harm us and turn us away. His correction is similar, yet even more pure, than a parent correcting and disciplining their child in the hopes that they will stop their harmful behavior. God is good. He loves us. He wants the best for us and His kingdom!
I have felt God’s presence in the midst of my troubles. My obstacles may not go away but they also will not last forever. If left on my own, I would more likely be freaking out and obsessed with myself and my issues. However, the peace and strength that I feel in the midst of my trials come from the Lord. And when I fix my gaze on the Lord, I experience renewed hope and faith in the unseen God and my eternal future with Him.
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
I am so thankful that the God promises me that He will stand with me through my trials, and He offers me the gifts of the Holy Spirit in me…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)
God may not be visible to my human eyes, but just like the wind, He is real, present and powerful. His promises are ETERNAL. His will is FINAL. And His glory, love , mercy, and grace are INFINITE! Praise God. He is calling us to His kingdom and His forgiveness. He promises forgiveness and a home in eternity with Him. Let’s take hold of it and be free of our bondage to the world.
Abba, Father. You are my Father, my Creator, and my Savior. You are powerful and present. Just as the wind is invisible yet present, so are you unseen to my human eyes yet present in my life. You offer us grace, love beyond our understanding, mercy, and forgiveness. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice on our behalf and our home with you in eternity. Amen.
How have you “seen” the unseen God move in your life?
Write out Matthew 11:28-30. Read through it a few times. What word or phrase stands out to you? Why do you think this word or phrase is important to you at this time in your life?
My new t-shirt reads, “I CONQUERED GROS PITON!” That’s right! My hubby and I completed this hike on Saturday, February 4th, 2023. It was likely the most difficult hike I have ever completed. The journey up the mountain was filled with boulders, uneven terrain, and steep climbs! Our legs were burning and shaking with fatigue. Our lungs were straining to get enough air from our exertions. Our hearts were beating out of our chests. We were soaked with sweat. And we craved water for our thirst.
The hike reminded me a bit of my journey in life in this world, at times…
Life is hard.
I feel fatigued and drained.
I am out of breath from the pain and grief of heartache and loss.
I am shaky from my emotions due to my trials, challenges, and anxiety.
I am thirsty for more depth of community and closeness with friends, family, and my Savior.
Our Lord does not leave us alone in our suffering or in our journey. If we invite Him into our lives and accept Him as our Savior, He promises to never…NEVER…leave us. He will be with us always, strengthening us and guiding us in our journey. I was struck by this similarity on the hike. The guide did not leave us or give up on us. She walked ahead of us…providing guidance and encouragement on how to navigate the climb. She sensed when we needed rest, but also pushed us to continue and to not give up.
Jesus does the same for His people. Scripture is filled with His words of encouragement to press on and to let Him guide our life. The stories of the Bible describe over and over how much God loves us, His great displays of mercy and grace, His intervention on of His people, and ultimately His sacrifice of His own perfect son, Jesus, to save us from sin and ourselves. The Bible is a love story. It is a love story of our Creator to His creation. Below are only a few verses speaking to God’s encouragement to us to press on and fight the good fight for the Kingdom of God; words of His love; and the Truth about His plans for us.
1 Timothy 6:12, ESV
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Romans 8:35, 37-39 (NLT)
Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Yes, life is hard. BUT we have Jesus standing strong beside us to lift us up! (Isaiah 41:10, Ephesians 3:16)
Yes, we will feel pain and loss. BUT we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit to provide us peace beyond our understanding. (John 14:27)
Yes, we thirst for more out of this life that leaves us parched. BUT we have the promise from Jesus that He offers us living water where we will never thirst again. (John 4)
I never thought I would be able to do a hike like this at this point in my life. With my anxiety issues, on-going pain, and vertigo, I thought this would be impossible. But I was wrong. I did it! I am praying that you have confidence through the power of Jesus, determination to press on through the trials, and hope for the future bounty of eternal life. All things are possible with God and He will never leave you alone.
What mountain is in your path of life today?
How do you feel about it? Fear? Anxiety? Challenged? Determined?
What first step are you willing to take today to climb up and press on through it?
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Your story will be an encouragement to all of us and we want to encourage you in your journey!
Hugs & blessings, Sweet Circle,
Gros Piton in St. Lucia is the mountain in the front. It stands 2,619 feet tall.Pat…my hubby…and I at the half way point with Petit Piton in the background.We made it to the TOP!! Yay!!
Have you ever been inspired by the picture or example of a piece of art or craft? I have…many, many times!! My dear husband will attest to that from my stash of projects to work on in my craft closet! I love to take an idea and tweek it a bit to make it my own, so that it speaks to my heart.
In Matthew 5-7, Jesus was sharing with the crowds who had gathered many instructions and words of wisdom in the passage called the Sermon on the Mount. Within the text, Jesus explains the posture we should take when praying. We should not proclaim our prayers loudly in a crowd where we draw attention to ourselves. We do not need fancy words or flowery language. He tells us in Matthew 6:6, “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.” He reminds the people and us that God already knows what we need before we utter a word! He knows us that well! Jesus goes on to give us the exact words we all may use to commune with God. Jesus gives us the prayer of the Our Father or the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
Just like the crafting projects that I like to make-my-own, I find comfort in doing the same with the Our Father or Lord’s Prayer. I like to pray-through-the-prayer. This helps me truly internalize what the prayer is saying and how I may pore out my heart to God with the Lord’s Prayer as my foundation. Let me show you what I mean. (The words in CAPS/BOLD are from scripture. The Italics/Normal text represents my prayer within the prayer.)
Abba, Father, you created and oversee everything from Your throne in heaven.
You are holy, mighty, glorious. You are so pure my mind and eyes cannot comprehend.
Lord, may you come in glory. May you set right all that is broken in this world. I await eagerly for your coming again when Eden is made perfect again.
Lord, I pray that your will be done, not mine. That through the obedience of your people, we may change the world in Your Name for the better. I pray we set aside our selfish ambition. We focus on loving of others and our service to others just as You served us with Your very life.
Father, let earth be restored to perfection as it is in heaven. I pray You will conquer all evil and remove it permanently from existence in Your perfect timing.
Lord, give me what I need for this day only. Help me to live in the moment and be content with what I have…that which You have provided me.
Lord, Jesus, forgive me. Help me see where I have sinned so I may repent and be made right in you. Cleanse me, Lord. Purify me. Open my eyes.
Lord, Jesus, as You have forgiven me and set the example of grace and mercy, help me extend the same forgiveness to others. To show others the love of Christ by my actions and words.
Lord, when I am tempted, please be with me and give me the strength to overcome and not submit to what my humanly body and mind may want. Help me to live righteously for you. Even under the pressure I may feel from others.
Give me a way out, Lord. When evil is in front of me, help me to call out in the name of Jesus, “Get Out! Leave me, in Jesus name!” Help me feel the peace and strength of your Holy Spirit in me to overcome and squash the influence and deception of Satan in my life.
Amen!! Thank you, Jesus. You are mine and I am yours.
Sometimes I feel like I cannot find the words I want to say. Using the Lord’s Prayer as my foundation, it lays the ground work for my heart and soul to speak through. Jesus gave us these Words to speak to the Father. When you need to pray and don’t know what to say or how to say, take time to slow down and say these words which Jesus gave us. Pause after each line, and let your heart speak.
QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please respond in Comments section below.)
Do you pray through scripture? If so, what passage do you pray through most often?
How do you battle temptation?
Abba, Father. You are so generous! You have given us the very words we may use to come to the foot of your throne. Thank you for the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father. Thank you for the guidance on how we may approach you. Humbly, quietly, with no fan-fare. Lord, help me remember to bring my laments and celebrations to you. That you are my Savior, my Comforter, and my Creator. Only You know what’s best for me. Amen.
Recently, my husband and I went to the auto shop to pick up my vehicle after some work was completed. When I went to the Cashier desk to check out with credit card in hand, she shook her head and said there was no charge. I questioned her again because I thought we owed money for this service and the part, and I did not want to leave without properly paying for it. Again, she said there was no charge since we must have prepaid for it. For a split second, I thought, “Well. Ok.” Thankfully, I double-checked with my husband before leaving, and he verified we did not prepay for it. We were both relieved to have caught the error and returned a third time to the Cashier to notify them of the mistake.
However, there was a moment of temptation brewing in me to take their word for it and leave.
In Matthew 4, versus 1-11, Jesus was tempted by Satan three times while in the wilderness after He had fasted forty days and forty nights. So Satan tempted him in three areas where we tend to be weak and easily influenced by our human nature.
TEMPTATION #1: Satan challenged Jesus to prove He was the Son of God by tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread to satiate his hunger. Satan was appealing to Jesus’ physical needs and desires.
TEMPTATION #2: Satan challenged Jesus to prove He was the Son of God by tempting Jesus to throw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple and let the angels save Him. Satan was appealing to Jesus to show off His power.
TEMPTATION #3: Satan challenged Jesus to submit to him and worship him. If he would, then Satan would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Satan was appealing to Jesus’ pride and possessions.
We all are tempted in these areas as well…physical needs, desires, power, pride and possessions. Thankfully, this text also provides us with some warnings to look out for and also the actions that Jesus’ used to battle the temptation. We are able to learn from these examples in our own lives.
Satan will try to use us during times of weakness to sin by tempting us in the areas of physical needs, desires, power, pride and possessions.
Satan will manipulate us by bending the meaning of scripture to make us think we have “permission” to sin.
Satan is the great deceiver and will lie to us about what is right and what is wrong to draw us into sin.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline we may use to draw us closer to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Through fasting, we learn that we are able to overcome our human desires through prayer and discipline from the Holy Spirit.
We are not alone. Jesus was tempted and overcame the temptations. He will give us strength to overcome as well.
Jesus uses scripture in all three cases to battle Satan and stand up to the temptations.
Jesus exclaimed to Satan, “Be gone!” We also have the ability to rebuke Satan in Jesus’ name through the power of the Holy Spirit in us.
Standing up to temptation may be a daily battle for us. It may also be one of the most difficult battles we face to say NO to sinful behavior when we believe it will provide us immediate gratification and happiness. However, sin will never bring us happiness and joy, for sin ultimately leads to death. (James 1:15) Sin often brings pain, regret, and hurt either to ourselves or others or both. So where do we go for happiness and joy as well as other wonderful qualities?
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And thsoe who belong to Christ Jeuss have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ~ Galatians 5:22-24
We run to Jesus! Jesus as our Savior along with the Holy Spirit in us will provide us with the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Isn’t this wonderful? The passage says there are no laws against these things. And why would there be? All of these qualities will only bring good things to ourselves, to our friends and family, to our neighbors and community. These are the qualities that will change our world! Amen. Amen.
What are the areas where you are most easily tempted?
What actions do you have in place to fight and/or avoid these temptations?
What can you do today to prepare yourself for future battles with Satan and the deception he uses against us?
PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus, for the lessons you have taught me in this passage. I am reminded that I am not alone. You were tempted and you know exactly what I am experiencing when I face temptation. I know I have the Holy Spirit on my side and the power of God to help me battle Satan. Lord, please help me recognize when Satan is trying to deceive me. Give me the strength to say, “Be gone, Satan, in Jesus name!” Amen.
My father-in-law James Turley was passionate about the genealogy of his family. He had traced back the Turley family, in some cases, to before they immigrated to the United States. He had a great deal of knowledge of the maternal branches of the family tree as well. He knew where many of the family members lived, what they did for a living, and where they were laid to rest. He spent many hours researching the details of their lives and many more hours traveling to visit the cities where they lived and were buried. He knew their names and in many cases he had pictures of them from various historical documents. His mission was to document the Turley family history for future generations. Dad Turley did not want his family tree to be forgotten after he was gone. He wanted all of them to be remembered.
In Matthew 1, verses 1-17, we read about the genealogy of Jesus. Many times in the past when I read this section in Matthew, I frequently skimmed over it. I did not really see the need to read through all these names…so-and-so, the father of so-and-so, the father of so-and-so…and on and on for 42 generations. It seemed like details that were not necessary. Oh, how wrong I was!
“So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.” ~ Matthew 1:17
I believe that this section is so revealing of the character of God and His love for us. This Holy Spirit-inspired scripture reminds us of how intimately God knew those who lead to the birth of His son Jesus. He did not only remember the people who did “big things” in His name. He remembers ALL of the people in the family lineage of Jesus. Those who made many bad decisions, those who were deceitful, those who were prostitutes, those who committed adultery, and on and on. God knew all of them by name and loved them all. So much so that He allowed His perfect son to be born of a lineage that was full of dysfunction and sin. Why? Because Jesus came to conquer that very sin and bring healing and restoration.
God’s awareness and intimacy did not stop with the birth of Jesus. God knows our names too. And not just our names….he has put our tears in His bottle (Psalm 56:8) and numbered the hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:29-30). He knows us intimately and He knows our family lineage…all of the branches! Matthew 1:1-17 is a beautiful example of how much God loves each one of us. He shows us how well he knows us by saying our names, naming our children and parents to the beginning and end of the ages, numbering our hair and bottling our tears. We are KNOWN. We are LOVED. We have VALUE! This is a passage to celebrate and find comfort in. For Jesus knows more about us than we know about ourselves.
While we may have missing links in our family tree or we may rather not remember some of the more interesting characters of our lineage, God remembers and knows all of us. Our background and our sins do not matter. God is not afraid of dysfunction. He has the power to overcome and defeat all sin, to redeem our story, and to bring beauty from the ashes of our lives.
QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please share in Comments to encourage one another.)
How does this make you feel that God knows you by name, sees your tears, and knows you intimately?
Have you seen God redeem parts of your story? If so, how?
Is there anyone in your family who may need to hear about the love of Jesus?
What is one step you may take to help a family member or friend feel known, loved and worthy…to show them the love of Jesus?
Abba, Father. Thank you sharing with us the genealogy of Jesus. For showing how important we all are by naming and documenting the ordinary people with ordinary lives who lead to the extraordinary Jesus. Help us to remember that we are known by you, loved by you, and valued by you. Help us also share this same love and care to one another. Amen.
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