Hi, Friends.  I love sharing this part of my journey with you regarding the website.  I know why I picked the things that I did, but you do not.  I can’t speak for other websites, but every single decision from font choices to color schemes to pictures, had specific meanings for me.  Let me explain so you can see the God-things in the visual elements and content of the website.  I hope you feel more connected to me after reading the posts about the website creation.  I hope you look at the site differently now when you go to stacyturley.com.  I hope by revealing the meaning behind the details of the Gallery it allows you to see how it was inspired by God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, creativity and relationship with us,


We all have a story that describes our faith journey.  We all want to be  seen and known. This Gallery is where we are able to connect with, pray for, and celebrate with each other.  My goal for this section is that we all “own” this part of the website. We can be seen and known through our submissions. I want us to celebrate each others’ gifts, to share our ideas, to give hope to others through our stories, and to encourage each other to step out of our comfort zones to help one another.

There are four sections to the Gallery for all of us to get connected and share with each other:

  • INSPIRATIONS: The INSPIRATIONS page is a place where we are able to share the people, places, or things that feed our creative side. I never thought I was creative. I was even intimidated by the word. That changed when I was in my 30s and someone said to me, “We are all creative. To be creative means to do something in a new or different way.” Well, we all can do that. So what are the people, places or things that give us ideas or inspiration? Is it a walk in the woods? Is it a magazine photo? Is it the textures, colors, and smells of a garden? Is it a recipe or pattern? Is it a handmade card? I love the idea of providing each other with suggestions to explore by sharing our own areas of influence and creations.
  • STORYTELLERS: We all have a story. Our journeys are unique and powerful. Every story needs to be celebrated. The STORYTELLERS page is a place for us to share our tales and narratives. To be known and celebrated. Our stories will provide hope for other women who may be struggling with the same issues or finding joy in similar mountaintop experiences. To laugh, to cry, to feel through the women who share a snippet of their life with us.
  • WARRIORS: How do you serve in the kingdom of God? What do you like to do to make a small change for good in your community? To be a WARRIOR for God’s kingdom, our acts of service to not have to be big or extravagant. We are all the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. We all have different gifts. Each gift and act is needed and valuable. Let’s spur each other on to try new things by sharing our favorite service ideas on the WARRIOR’s page.
  • CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: This page is all about YOU!! I love seeing who you are and where you are from. I love knowing how you connect to God and if you have a favorite craft. When you Join the Circle of Friends, your information will be added here. (Although if you prefer not to be listed, then that is fine too!)

This is NOT about comparison or competition.  It is all about  celebrating each other!

Sometimes we simply do not know what to do to be creative or how to serve. Sometimes we don’t know if our story is worth telling. I am here…we are here… to tell you that it IS WORTH TELLING. I can’t wait to load glimpses of your journeys and gifts on these pages so we may all pray for and celebrate  you! Your ACTION is needed by submitting your photos and/or stories to this page…to be an owner of the content. Go HERE for the permission form and email address for all submissions. You have an opportunity to bring encouragement and hope to others. I hope you join me in this effort today!


  • What have I created lately? How am I inspired to do something new or express my creativity?
  • What is my faith story? How has God met me in my highs and lows? Who has impacted my life or changed my course?
  • How do I love to serve? Where did I go to get plugged in? What feelings come to mind when I am helping other people?


Abba, Father. Thank you for creating us in your image. (Genesis 1:27) Thank you for our gifts, our strengths, our uniqueness. We all come together to form the body of Christ. (Romans 12:4-5) We are your children. Help us to encourage each other, support each other and celebrate each other through our gifts and our stories. Help us to build each other up by serving each other well in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hugs & blessings,

Stacy <3