Hi, Sweet Circle.  I love sharing this part of my journey with you regarding the website.  I know why I picked the things that I did, but you do not.  I can’t speak for other websites, but every single decision from font choices to color schemes to pictures, had specific meanings for me.  Let me explain so you can see the God-things in the visual elements.  I hope you feel more connected to me after reading the posts on the Design Elements.  This is Part 2: the “circles” of the logo and the pictures I chose.   I hope you look at the site differently now when you go to stacyturley.com.  I hope the visual elements allow you to see the community we have with our Lord in a new and exciting way.


Why are there circles in the logo? Why Circle of Friends as the group name that connects us? Why are the circles imperfect? Well, let’s start with the meaning of a circle. According to Webster’s Dictionary, two of the meanings of a circle are “a group of persons sharing a common interest or revolving about a common center” and also “to move or revolve around”. This idea formed the central theme of what I wanted women to feel when they connect with each other through this website and with the Word of Jesus. The words that came to mind for me when I was brainstorming a logo were: connected, imperfect beings, wholeness together, bound, complete, surrounding, and revolving. I wanted a word that would encompass these ideas. For example, we support each other; we are connected together; and we are complete together. (Romans 12:4-6a) Where one is weak, the others in the circle encourage, support, and strengthen. (Romans 15:1) We are bound together in love as Christ loved us. (Colossians 3:14) I also love the idea that we are all revolving around our Savior Jesus. He is our center…our nucleus. We all have a shared sisterhood as followers of Jesus.

A CIRCLE seemed perfect. Yet I wanted the shape of the circles to be imperfect and I wanted many circles overlapping. None of us are perfect and we never will be this side of heaven. This idea is represented by the imperfect shape. We all have different experiences and challenges and triumphs. This idea is represented by the many circles of the logo which represents all our individual lives. And the intersections represent how our lives impact and interact with each other. We may not even know how we have touched the lives of others, but it is happening all the time. We are the circles bound together, intersecting each other, and revolving our Lord and Savior.

As the Circle of Friends, I hope that we recognize our Savior as the Center. I hope we recognize the we are better and stronger together. We learn so much about how we are to support and encourage each other when we study the One Another statements of the Bible. Click HERE for a post on In The Word #5: One Another… coming soon. Also, you may join the Circle of Friends to have access to our weekly newsletter and get a free download of the these One Another verses that you may use for Scripture journaling or topical Bible Study.


We all love pretty pictures. The colors and content draw us into the scene. A still picture may even portray movement and emotions just by looking at it and allowing the content to speak to us. I chose some of the pictures to expand on the theme of “the sand and the sea” that is also represented by the colors of the website. I also wanted to use as many personal photos as possible in order for you to feel more connected to me and what is important to me.  Below are some descriptions of the photos that appear on the site:

  • The picture of the ocean at the top of the Home Page – This photo was taken on the coast of Oregon while my husband and I were visiting our daughter Madi. We drove from the southern coast of Washington to the southern coast of Oregon. We stopped at a variety of locations and witnessed the beauty of the West coast in the powerful waves and rock formations. The picture shown was one of my favorite locations. I loved how the huge rocks shaped and funneled the water into submission as it rolled onto the shore. Gorgeous!
  • The picture of hands knitting on the Gallery page – This is a photo of me working on a shawl for my daughter-in-law Shannon for her wedding gift. You may read more on the story is on the Gallery page found HERE. Whenever I am knitting, crocheting or using my hands to make things, I am always reminded of how God made me….how He created and crafted me for purpose. I hope to include more stories from you all in the Gallery under Inspirations. Please share with me what you like to create and why. Feel free to email me at gallary@stacyturley.com and complete the Permission Form found HERE.
  • Pictures of me on the Home page and About page – Photos of me were taken by Abby Chikkala, a classmate of my son Mitch. She is so talented and spent a couple of hours with me walking around downtown Noblesville, where I live, to capture some shots for this website. She even helped me pick out my clothes!
  • The picture of me at the ocean on the About page at the section called About Me – Another picture taken by my husband on the trip to Oregon. I was actually taking a photo of the waves, while unknown to me, he was taking my picture! This is one of his favorites!! So I had to include it.

And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.



  • What situations make you feel most connected to those around you?
  • Who has impacted your life the most? Does he/she know it? Consider writing them a note to tell them!
  • What are some of your favorite pictures? Why?
  • Do you find meaning in creating things? What is your hobby? Would you be willing to share your creative inspiration with others on this site? If so, feel free to email me and I will tell you how at gallary@stacyturley.com.

More to come…Hugs & blessings, Friends,
