Crucial Conversations, Third Edition – CURRENT READ – August 2023

by Joseph Genny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and Emily Gregory.  I am currenlty reading this book on “Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High”.  Our four-week sermon series at my church – Grace Church – is covering crucial conversations as they impact us spiritually, emotionally and sometimes physically!  One word…Amazing!  To read more, click HERE to get the book on Amazon.

Hotel Nantucket (Fiction) – JUST FINISHED – August 2023

by Elin Hilderbrand.  I would call this a light summer read.  Each character is experience their own trials while coming together to make the Hotel Nantucket a success.  This book has the slightest touch of the supernatural, but it is definitely NOT the focus of the book.  One of my favorite quotes from the book is “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”   Find this book and more HERE.

Mother Teresa:  A Simple Path – TBR – August 2023

by Mother Teresa.  From the book excert:  “Known around the globe for her indefatigable work on behalf of the poor, the sick, and the dying, Mother Teresa has devoted her life to giving hope to the hopeless in more than one hundred and twenty countries. She inspires us all to find a way to translate our spiritual beliefs into action in the world. How has one woman accomplished so much? And what are the guiding principles that have enabled this humble nun to so profoundly effect the lives of millions?”   I am seeking additional opportunities to volunteer and get involved in my community.  I look forward to learning more about the dedication and compassion of Mother Teresa in her love-in-action approach to her life of service for the poorest of the poor.  Find this book and more HERE.

The Practice of the Presence of God – Early 2023

by Brother Lawrence / Alan Vermilye.  I am reading this 40 day devotional now.  One word…Amazing!  To read more, click HERE to get the book on Amazon.

Write the Word:  Prayer – Early 2023

by  If you enjoy scripture journaling and you want to zero in on increasing your prayer focus…this is for you.   Find this book and more HERE.

My Journaling Bible – April 2022

from Paul’s Leather Company. Oh my word…it is beautiful and the craftmanship is the best I have seen.  It is by far my favorite Bible and I have many!! Visit to find your favorite.

Invitation to Solitude and Silence:  Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence – April 2022

by Ruth Haley Barton.  If you have ever considered a silent retreat, then my comment is DO IT!!  I went on a silent retreat in January 2022, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.  I used this book as a guide for my retreat.  It was wonderful.  Find the book here.

Who Calls Me Beautiful? Finding Our True Image in the Mirror of God – May/June 2022 Post

by Regina Franklin.  I am reading this book for a second time in May 2022.  For those of us who struggle with body image issues, this is the perfect book to remind us of our true value and worth.  Here is a quote from the book:

“When we are preoccupied with physical attractiveness, we assert that the world’s standards of beauty matter more than God’s, and we begin to reflect the values of the world that Jesus said we are not a part of even though we remain in it.”

To read more, click HERE to get the book on Amazon.

Finding Your Yes: Living a Life That’s Open to God’s Invitations – May/June 2022 Post

by Christine Wagoner.  A powerful book by my friend and author Christine Wagoner.  (Check out In The Word #6 blog post!)  This book will help guide you to tune into God’s nudges in your life and to find the courage to say YES!  Find the book here on Amazon.

A Why to Live For – May/June 2022 Post

by Dave Rodriguez.  As mentioned in my blog post Behind the Scenes #1, this book changed my life.  Dave identifies the six broken places of this world that need to be healed and the callings that help bring restoration.  God calls us to join the fight.  Don’t know your calling?  The Calling Quilt exercise in this book will help you identify your calling, just like it helped me find mine.  Find the book here on Amazon.

Lemons on Friday:  Trusting God Through My Greatest Heartbreak

by Mattie Jackson Selecman.  I read this book in the Winter of 2022.  I had two dear friends who lost their spouses.  Both losses were due to cancer.  My heart ached for them, and I hoped this book would provide perspective and healing words for them and me as we jouneyed theses losses together. To read more, click HERE to get the book on Amazon.

Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It

by Bob Goff.  My Life Group at church read this together along with the video series.  It was encouraging, challenging, and clarifying all at once about our individual dreams…not only defining them, but also overcoming obstacles so we can achieve them!   Find the book here on Amazon.