Stacy Turley
I am passionate about leading women to realize and rediscover their value and worth in Jesus. I believe we are so much more than what we are led to believe due to our past trauma, poor decisions, comparison with others, or lies we have been told or have told ourselves. I believe that when we see ourselves through the lens of Christ rather than the lens of the world, we will realize…
We are priceless.
We possess value and worth.
We are necessary for the completion of God’s Story.
We are strong, brave, compassionate, made for a purpose and on purpose.
I want to be a vessel of Jesus to help women connect with their true selves through the love of Jesus and truth of God’s Word. I want to help grow our relationships to provide support and encouragement to each other. I want to provide a venue to share our stories of victory, hope, and faith in Jesus through our creativity, our stories, and our acts of service in God’s kingdom.
Join the Circle and let’s unite to live the lives we were made to live…free from bondage and chains, running hand in hand with each other and our Creator.

Stacy Turley
I am passionate about leading women to realize and rediscover their value and worth in Jesus. I believe we are so much more than what we are led to believe due to our past trauma, poor decisions, comparison with others, or lies we have been told or have told ourselves. I believe that when we see ourselves through the lens of Christ rather than the lens of the world, we will realize…
We are priceless.
We possess value and worth.
We are necessary for the completion God’s Story.
We are strong, brave, compassionate, made for purpose and on purpose.
I want to be a vessel of Jesus to help women connect with their true selves through the love of Jesus and truth of God’s Word. I want to help grow our relationships to provide support and encouragement to each other. I want to provide a venue to share our stories of victory, hope, and faith in Jesus through our creativity, our stories, and our acts of service in God’s kingdom.
Join the Circle and let’s unite to live the lives we were made to live…free from bondage and chains, running hand in hand with each other and our Creator.

AMEN, AMEN, Sisters! We have been remade by the blood of Jesus!
“You are more than the choices that you’ve made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You’ve been remade.”
You Are More lyrics by Tenth Avenue North
About Me
Stacy & God
My story like many of your stories has been shaped by pain, abuse, love, joy, illness, great relationships, not-so-great relationships, good choices and not-so-good choices. But mostly, my story has been redeemed and made complete when I found the love of Jesus. Life is not perfect now and never will be on this side of heaven. However, I have the love of Jesus as my foundation and the Holy Spirit to bring me home when I wander away from my faith. I have hope in all circumstances, and I pray that we are able to discover and hold onto that hope together…here in this Circle.
Stacy & small group leadership
I have been a small group Bible study leader and service group leader for over 20 years. I love the relationships and wisdom that we build and grow in these groups. The vulnerability and honesty of all the women and men open the door to true, authentic relationships. We cry together, pray together, live together and laugh together. I hope to share the same depth of relationship with each of you over time. I dream of visiting a city and meeting at a coffee shop to catch up and meet face to face. You are wonderful and I can’t wait to learn from and live life with you too!
Stacy & service
I love to serve and help others. Whether it is with a knitting or crocheting project for someone in need, serving coffee, setting up for events, helping with the church’s newsletter, preparing care packages, or just spending time with a friend who needs to talk over coffee. I love to be able to give my time and gifts to help others.
Stacy & family
Finally, I love to spend time with my family and friends. God blessed me with a partner for life in a wonderful man…Patrick Turley. We were friends first after meeting at Purdue University. I was a freshman and he was a 5th-year senior. When people asked him about me, he said, “She has potential.” When people asked me about him, I said, “He is not my type.” Oh, boy…God had other plans!! After months of deepening our friendship, we began to develop romantic feelings. We were married in June of 1991. Our life and years together only bring new and renewed love between the two of us. Of course, there have been bumps along the road, but we have worked through them together and with wonderful counselors. I love you, Babe!
We have two amazing, adult children Mitch and Madi as well as our daughter-in-law Shannon. Mitch and Shannon live in DC. Our Madi-Girl lives in Oregon. All three are passionate about helping others…humans and animals alike! They are active in their faith and serving in their communities. We enjoy coast-to-coast travel to see them. They are all rock stars!
My entire extended family and friends from all over have been a blessing from God. They bring smiles to my face and joy in my life. My family and friends provide a community of loving support and encouragement and FUN! I love them all!
We are all God’s masterpiece. Molded by His hands. Knitted together in our mother’s womb. We are all wonderfully made in him and I look forward to walking this journey of faith together with you.
Hugs & blessings,