Hello, Sweet Circle. 

My eyes were damp with tears as I finished reading an email and listening to a song sent to me by Beth at Proverbs 31 Ministries today.  As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have a rare autoimmune disease that leaves me in pain most days.  A few weeks ago, I sent a prayer request through the website of Proverbs 31 Ministries.  I was having a tough day and my meds were not working.  I wanted to know that someone was praying for me.  I had forgotten about the prayer request until today.  I heard the ding on my computer alert me that “You’ve Got Mail” and there sat the email from Beth.

I don’t know Beth personally, but I felt bonded to her through the words in her message.  She let me know that she prayed for me by name.  She lifted up my pain and struggles to the Lord.  And she prayed on my behalf for God’s comfort and “holy confidence that all things are possible in the mighty name of Jesus!”  Her words were a salve to my soul.  A reminder that we are not alone.  Not only is God with us always, but our brothers and sisters in Christ and the Holy Spirit are also with us to lift us up to God’s throne when we are too tired or in too much pain to do it ourselves.  (Romans 8:26 ESV)  Sometimes we only need to ask for help…for prayer…and others will rally to our aid. 

Beth showed me compassion, care, and the love of Christ by being willing and obedient to care for God’s people by praying for me specifically as well as many others, I am sure.  I am so grateful for her note to me and her prayers for me.  I am also grateful for the song that she sent me to relay the message that my sisters in Christ at Proverbs 31 Ministries are praying for my spirit In Jesus Name!

Dear Friends, I too want to pray these words over you.  I want you to feel loved and worthy of the hope and power we have in Jesus.  I want you to feel safe to ask for help and prayer.  I want you to close your eyes and listen to the words of the song In Jesus Name by Katy Nichole or follow along with the words below.  Know that I am praying these words for you.  I am praying for healing, for peace in your sorrow, for a breakthrough  in your circumstances.  I am praying for miracles, blessings, and God’s promises to wash over you too.


I speak the name of Jesus over you

In your hurting, in your sorrow

I will ask my God to move

I speak the name cause it’s all that I can do

In desperation, I’ll seek heaven

And pray this for you

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee

In Jesus name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in

Jesus name

In Jesus name

I speak the name of all authority

Declaring blessings

And every promise

He is faithful to keep

I speak the name no grave could ever hold

He is greater, He is stronger

he’s the God of possible

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee

In Jesus name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in

Jesus name

In Jesus name

Come believe it

Come receive it

Oh the power of His Spirit is now forever yours

Come believe it

Come receive it

In the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible

I pray for your healing

That circumstances will change

I pray that the fear inside will flee in Jesus name

I pray that a breakthrough

Would happen today

I pray miracles over your life

In Jesus name

I pray for revival

For restoration of faith

I pray that the dead will come alive

In Jesus name

In Jesus name

My Friends…if you feel drawn to respond, please email me if you would like for me to pray for you personally and specifically.  Or share your prayer requests in the Comments below so we may all lift you up In Jesus Name.  I hope you feel the love of Christ today in whatever you are going through and may you feel the love of Christ with you always.

Hugs & blessings, Sweet Circle,
