About 20 years ago, I had a major issue with idol-worship. I worshiped numbers of all kinds. The numbers included how much I weighed; how much I lost; how much I gained; my clothing size; my calorie intake; how many times I ate eat day; etc. My idol was body image. I placed my value and worth on how I looked and how thin I was. But the sad truth…I was never satisfied.

So what is idolatry?

  1. According to Webster’s Dictionary, idolatry is “the worship of a physical object as a god”.
  2. According to Lexham Bible Dictionary, the definition is a bit more specific. Idolatry is “the worship of images made to represent Yahweh (God) or other deity.”

The Old Testament is filled with stories of the Israelites, God’s chosen people, worshiping many “little g” gods and objects. They worshiped these objects over the “big G” God who saved them and rescued them multiple times from oppression due to their sins. God knew we would struggle with idolatry. Not only did God know this would be a problem, but He warned the people of Israel of this obstacle by placing laws against it in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Clearly stating idolatry as a sin, and they needed to guard against it.

The first two Commandments focus on idolatry…

Commandment #1: You shall have no other gods before me.

Commandment #2: (a bit longer) You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

So what does this mean for us today?

Most of us don’t see Asherah poles or golden calves nearby. Asherah poles were wooden poles or trees used to worship the fertility god in the Old Testament. (1 Kings 14:15) Coincidentally, the golden calf was made by the Israelites during the time that Moses was on the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments from God. (Exodus 32) What are our gods or our idols today? They are anything or anyone we put before God in our trust and worship. This may include money, title, shopping, body image, status, pornography, technology, sex, beauty, etc.

Our idols enslave us because they never really fulfill what we desire such as security, comfort, peace, joy, contentment, love, etc. We seek and seek and seek needing more and more and more of these false gods. They may help us for a moment, but then the “high” is gone. And we are after more to get the feeling back. But God does not just offer us feelings. He offers us a state of being in our souls that is a “spring of water welling up to eternal life”. (John 4:13-14)

How does God offer us true life and peace as our one and only God?

The simple answer: through His Son Jesus.

God had to judge us for our sin, not only in creating idols above Him but also for all of our sin. There had to be a consequence. And in His judgement rather than putting the consequences on us …the ones who deserved them…God placed his judgement on His own perfect Son through death on the cross in order to offer us grace and forgiveness. We only need to confess our sin and turn to Jesus as our Savior. God will be faithful and offer us forgiveness and complete fulfillment of our needs…”a spring of water welling up to eternal life” . (1 John 1:9, John 3:16, John 4:13-14)

No words are able to express the gratitude I have for the forgiveness and healing I received from Jesus after repenting from my sin of idol worship in body image. Jesus met me in the depths of the pit of my own making. He filled me in a way that was not possible by any other means. Thank you, Jesus, for your promises and your faithfulness when I come to you as my Lord.

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: (Please share in the Comments below.)

  1. What are your idols?
  2. How are these idols falling short of the fulfillment that you are seeking?
  3. Take a moment to have a conversation with God about your deepest desires and ask God to meet you where you are to find true contentment, fulfillment and hope. I, too, am praying for you to find your peace and contentment through the love and forgiveness of Jesus.


Abba, Father. You are our Creator, our Maker. There is nothing we have done or will do that is a surprise to You. You know us completely and You know our struggles. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace and forgiveness. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice You made for us out of Your love for us. Lord, give us the wisdom to identify our idols and give us the strength to repent for them. Help us to remember and to place our worship in You alone knowing that only You are able to fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts and souls. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Hugs & blessings, Sweet Friends,
