Hello, Friends!  I was talking with a friend of mine over coffee today.  She shared a story about how several years ago she felt the Holy Spirit nudging her to crochet prayer shawls for charity.  She ignored it at first thinking she really did not want to take on this task.  But the nudge kept returning and she decided to go for it.  She focused her first efforts to provide shawls for our church’s care center.  But then she realized that she felt more strongly about making them for family, friends, and neighbors who could use a bit of comfort and encouragement.  One dear friend of hers who was in a nursing home due to the side effects of her cancer was a blessed recipient.  During one of their visits, her friend shared why she felt blessed to have received this shawl.  She shared that whenever she felt discouraged or alone or hurting in her circumstances, she would wrap that shawl around herself and it reminded her that Jesus is with her and also wrapping her with His love.  She felt the love of my friend whose hands made the shawl and the love of her Savior whose hands made her.

Our Lord and God has called us to encourage one another.  This may look differently for each of us depending on our gifts, talents and relationships.  It may be making a prayer shawl for a friend, or praying over them in a difficult time, or showing up at their home to say HELLO and that you missed them, or sending a cheerful note, or picking up the phone to tell someone how loved they are just the way they are…that they are never alone…that you want to walk life with them.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

~1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

Jesus modeled for us how we are able to help and show encouragement to one another. Three of the areas that He modeled are as follows:

  1. He showed us to be other-centered and not self-centered. Throughout scripture, Jesus focused on the soul health, physical health, and deep love of those around Him. He was in the moment with His followers and all the people He met. He looked people in the eye, touched those who were not to be touched, and spoke to those with whom no one else would speak to provide them with encouragement and hope. (See examples, “Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery”, John 7:53-8:11 NIV; “Jesus heals a Man with Leprosy”, Matthew 8:1-4 NIV; “Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman”, John 4:1-42 NIV).

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”

~ 1 Peter 4:8, ESV

  1. He pointed us the power and love of God. God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. Jesus experienced the death that belonged to each of us due to our sin which separated us from God. God also told us to love others the way He loved us (John 15:12 ESV). Jesus was our example of what love looked like. Jesus showed us that love was to serve others, not be served.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. “

~ John 3:16 ESV

  1. He demonstrated the power of faith. Before Jesus was arrested, he went to a place called Gethsemane to pray. He was deeply distressed about his upcoming arrest and death for He knew what was coming. He asked God to spare him yet He submitted to God’s will. Jesus believed and knew that God’s plan will be fulfilled. Jesus demonstrated that when we have faith in God and submit to His plan, all things are possible! Just as Jesus was raised from the dead to overcome sin, God can and will do great things in us when we are faithful to Him.

“His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much. enter into the joy of your master.”

~ Matthew 25:21 ESV

We all need support and encouragement from our Circle of Friends and family. We often lose perspective on the abilities, strengths, and uniqueness that we have been given by our Creator God. Or we become too busy and overwhelmed to live intentionally but function in a state of frenzy by reacting day-to-day to whatever comes our way. When we lose sight of ourselves and who God made us to be as well as the purpose He made us to serve, the words of encouragement and support from others help us to slow down and refocus. Encouragement from others boosts our confidence to continue to lean into our calling or face our circumstances with a renewed perspective…a reminder that we are not alone. Not only do we have a Circle of Friends to support us when we are weak, but our Holy God is also with us.


  • How does it make you feel when someone does something unexpected for you?
  • When was the last time you provided support or encouragement to a friend, neighbor or family member? How did they respond?
  • Who do you know who needs encouragement or support right now? Take a moment to reach out to them. You may change the course of their life by showing them they are not alone!

I heard it said once that we are denying others the ability to serve when we say, “No,” to their offer to help us. We do not have to live alone. We may ask for and accept the support of others in whatever form. And we may give the same blessing to those around us who also need help and encouragement.


Abba, Father. Your love for us is amazingly beautiful and unconditional. Thank you for demonstrating that love in your Son Jesus, our Savior. You have asked us to encourage one another. Help us to keep our eyes open for the needs of others. Help us to take our attention off of ourselves and our own circumstances to see and react to the needs of those around us. Help us to trust in you and have faith in you that we too will be served in our time of need. Thank you Jesus for your example of service and encouragement and love. Amen.

Hugs & blessings, Sweet Circle,
