Hi, Sweet Circle. I love sharing this part of my journey with you regarding the website. I know why I picked the things that I did, but you do not. I can’t speak for other websites, but every single decision from font choices to color schemes to pictures, had specific meanings for me. Let me explain so you can see the God-things in the visual elements. I hope you feel more connected to me after reading the posts on the Design Elements. (I will break them up into several Parts to keep each post short and sweet.) I hope you look at the site differently now when you go to stacyturley.com. I hope the visual elements allow you to see the community we have with our Lord in a new and exciting way.


This element is extremely important to me. I am drawn to the one-line flower every time I see it. Mostly because it reminds me of my life’s journey. I feel that my life has been filled with many ups and downs, turns and twists…just as you may feel about yours. For example, when I was younger, I was greatly impacted by an abusive relationship. It formed and impacted many of my relationships from that point forward regarding trust, control, connection and barriers. I also experienced some very deep friendships while I was healing from this experience that brought me great comfort and hope. In my 30’s, I spent several years struggling with eating disorders due to a time when my life seemed out of control. My husband, friends, and counselor helped me see my worth and value in Jesus during this struggle. They helped me feel loved and cherished at a time when I did not really love myself. And most recently, I was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease. It has brought me physical pain and anxiety for my future, but also a sensitivity and compassion for those who are living with long-term, sometimes invisible, illnesses.

All of these twists and turns shaped who I am today. At the time they appeared to be leading me to unknown and unwanted places. But when I step back and look at my life as a whole, I see how beautiful these experiences have been to shape me, mold me and reform me into God’s beautiful creation…like the flower. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me see how every experience can be used by you to help others and myself see the wisdom and your glory born out of our journeys.


I chose these colors around the theme of “the sand and the sea”. The sea, the sand, the sunrise and sunset are elements of the place where I feel the closest and most intimate with God. I wanted the colors to reflect the colors that I see when I am in this place of contentment, serenity, and peace with Jesus.

  • Shades of brown and tan – THE SAND. The sand reminds me of Genesis 22:17, when God promised Abraham, “I will bless you with every blessing and I will make your descendants very numerous, like the stars of the heavens or the sand on the shore of the sea.” It also reminds me of how God created each one of us uniquely. We are all different, special, and cherished by our Creator. And there are SO MANY OF US!!
  • Shades of blues – THE SEA. I love the sound of the sea. I love the crashing power and violence of the waves. I am mesmerized by the infinite shades of blue that exist when I gaze at the water from above. I love the mystery of the sea which is thousands of feet deep in places and filled with mammals, fish, and vegetation of all kinds. So much of these deep, dark places of the sea are yet to be discovered. That amazes me!! It reminds me of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
    • the mystery of God
    • the unseen and unknown characteristics of God
    • the power of God,
    • the rhythm of God in our lives
    • the beauty of who He is and how He loves us.
  • Shades of pinks and orange – THE SUNRISE AND SUNSET. The sunrises and sunsets remind me of the beginnings and endings of our lives, and that there is beauty in both. And also the chance to start each day anew as well as put the challenges of the past to rest.

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.



  • Where do you see God in your life?
  • What places make you feel closest to God?
  • Are there creative designs that have special meaning to you? If so, what are they and why?
  • Have you used these designs in some way to help you remember how God been with you in times of joy and struggle?

More to come…Hugs & blessings, Friends,
