In The Word #18: Thankful by Caedmon’s Call

On Monday, I was sitting at one of my favorite coffee shops and I heard a song on the cafe’s sound system. It was peppy…and wiggly! (My dear husband teases me about my “wiggle songs”. I can’t help but wiggle when the tune is just right!) I thought to myself, “I LIKE this song! …Hmmm…I think I know this song!?” After the band began singing the words, it struck me that I did know the song. But from where? Who was this singing? How do I know it??

Then they got to the chorus, and I KNEW:

“So I am thankful that I’m incapable

Of doin’ any good on my own.”

YES!!! I do know this!! And it was a blast from the past! Thankful by Caedmon’s Call. This song was released in 1999!!! I was a mom of two toddlers then. Now I am empty nester. But it seemed like yesterday when I heard that song for the first time. I wiggled then and I still wiggle now. I was so excited to hear it in the café after so long that not only did I wiggle in my chair but I SANG OUT LOUD!!! No kidding. I feel like I should apologize to anyone sitting in that room with me that day. I was overjoyed to hear it and even more so that it reminded me of the power of gratitude, worship and glorifying God. And it is by GRACE that I am saved…not by my own works. For our Lord knows, that my works are not enough. I am only enough through Jesus.

I was giggling in my seat and knew I had to share it with you!

If you have never heard the song, click HERE for the YouTube video. And here are the words for those who want to know what they say. I also added links to the scripture references that the song is based on. Enjoy!!

You know I ran across an old box of letters

While I was baggin’ up some clothes for goodwill

Imagine you know I had to laugh that the same old struggles

That plagued me then are plaguin’ me still

I know the road is long from the ground to glory

But a boy can hope he’s gettin’ some place

But you see, I’m runnin’ from the very clothes I’m wearin’

And dressed like this I’m fit for the chase

No, there is none righteous,

not one who understands

There is none who seek God, no not one,

I said, “No not one”

(From Romans 3:10-12)

So I here I am thankful that I’m incapable

Of doin’ any good on my own

(From John 5:30)

‘Cause we’re all stillborn and dead in our transgressions

Now we’re shackled up to the sin we hold so dear

So what part can I play in the work of redemption

‘Cause I can’t refuse, I cannot add a thing

(From Ephesians 2:1-7)

‘Cause I am just like Lazarus

and I can hear your voice

I stand and rub my eyes and walk to you

because I have no choice

(From John 11:38-44)

So I am thankful that I’m incapable

But I’m doin’ any good on my own

I say that I’m so thankful that I’m incapable

Of doin’ any good on my own

It’s by grace I have been saved

Through faith that’s not my own

It is the gift of God and not by works

Lest anyone should boast

(From Ephesians 2:8-9)

So I am thankful that I’m incapable

And I’m doin’ any good on my own, yeah

I say that I’m so thankful that I’m incapable

And I’m doin’ any good on my own

‘Cause here and I am thankful that I’m incapable

Well I’m doin’ any good on my own

I say that I’m so thankful that I’m incapable

Well I’m doin’ any good on my own


Thank you, Lord, for this unexpected blessing. When out of nowhere, you know what we need to hear and know what will bring a smile to our lips. When we are not afraid the sing out loud and wiggle in our seats over your mercy, glory and love for us. We are not righteous on our own but only through the redeeming love of our Lord and Savior and the sacrifice He made to redeem us from our sins. Thank you, Jesus.


  • What makes YOU wiggle? What songs build up so much joy and connection in your soul that you can’t help but move and SING!!
  • What songs make you feel closer to your Maker?
  • Maybe it’s not a song…but a poem, a scripture verse, or a quote. What would it be?
  • Please share your “moving moments” in the comments below. You never know, you may bring a wiggle or a smile to someone else who may need it today!

Hugs and blessings,


Life’s Journey #16 – New Meds / New Challenges

Last week was a big week for Pat (my dear husband) and I.  We had a video call with my doctor to determine if this is the right time to move on to a new drug…a stronger treatment for my autoimmune disease Cicatricial Pemphigoid.  I have been having flare-ups for weeks.  (Let’s be honest…I have been having flare-ups for about 2 years but I keep trying to convince myself that I am better.)  I have delayed this change for at least the last 9 months because I did not want to be on this drug, and I did not want the consequences that may develop. 

I have been living in fear of the unknown, the lack of control, and the possible side effects.  I do not want to live in fear anymore! I want to be the victor not the victim!! Read more on Fighting Fear HERE!) I have been more comfortable with “knowing” the pain and consequences of my current state and current drugs than “not knowing” what my pain and consequences would be on a new drug.  Unfortunately, to remain in the status quo means that I am always in pain which is hard for me and my loved ones to witness. I am ready to make a change. It is time for me to kick fear out of the driver’s seat of my life and move forward with an opportunity to improve and heal.

So here we go!! I will remain on all my current treatment but add to it another drug called mycophenolate mofetil or CellCept. It is a drug used for transplant patients as an anti-rejection drug. However, people with my disease and other diseases like mine have found relief from the symptoms of pemphigus and pemphigoid on this drug. Mycophenolate mofetil is an immunosuppressant drug. If my immune system is suppressed then it cannot attack my own body. So, voila! Blisters are gone! At least, that is the hope!

There are potential side effects from this drug.

  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased risk of getting certain cancers
  • Increased risk of getting infections
  • Blood issues such as low blood counts and higher glucose levels
  • and others…

My goal is to focus on the potential benefits and NOT the potential side effects. I choose to stay positive. I CHOOSE JOY in this opportunity to feel better and have a better quality of life. Sometimes, I have to CHOOSE JOY every hour when I am having a bad day, but I CHOOSE JOY all the same. Thank you, Pat, my doctors, and my God for the patience and support and love that I have felt while making this decision over the last year. (To read more about CHOOSING JOY, click HERE for Life’s Journey #13: Choose Joy.)

I read this quote online today. I hope we all choose to keep fighting. To hold our heads up, with God at our side to shield and protect us, to fight the battles of this life. Let’s be BETTER, not BITTER. Let’s choose to be a VICTOR, not a VICTIM. How may I best support you in this effort?Please share with me the battle you are fighting so I may pray and support YOU, too!


Abba, Father. Hear the prayers of your children. You already know what we are fighting. You know our choices and our actions. You know US and our situations. Lord, give us the strength to endure and to be strong… to CHOOSE JOY… to choose to follow you in all things and at all times. Thank you, Jesus.

Hugs & blessings,


In the Word #17: Fighting Fear

Fear…that pesky, little bugger.  Fear creeps into my mind and emotions with each unexpected change in my life.  Fear may creep in slowly with little doubts and insecurities as with a change in plans, a change in the random sounds my car makes, or a change in my path when I take a wrong turn.  On the other hand, fear may penetrate my mind with the force of a gale wind when the changes are overwhelming or over-concerning such as a change in a relationship, a change in health, or a change job status.  It is not invited.  It is not wanted.  But fear does not care.  It shows up, SO we need a path to guide us out of it!

The enemy loves to use fear to try to throw me off track…to move my focus from trusting in God and His strength, His power, His healing, and His plan to focusing on myself and all the things I cannot control.  When I focus on myself and my limited ability to control my life on my own, fear takes the driver’s seat.  When fear is driving, it reminds me that I am not enough on my own; I lack control; and I often do not know which way to turn. Living in fear is unacceptable!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

(emphasis mine)

~ 2 Timothy 1:7

One of my favorite authors, Annie F. Downs says, “Our feelings can ride, but they cannot drive our lives.”   I may be fearful for any number of reasons.  BUT I work to CHOOSE JOY in my circumstances in the midst of the fear.  I choose to replace the fear with trust in God and His plan. I choose to let God lead and I follow as a faithful servant. I choose to rely on God’s promises for direction and hope. For as a follower of Christ, God promises me power, love and self discipline through the Holy Spirit in me (see 2 Timothy 1:7 above). For I am not in control, but God always is!! 

So HOW do I fight fear?

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

~ Deuteronomy 31:8

These verses remind us of how to refocus our hearts on Truth when we are afraid. In summary,

  • Attitude – Focus on the positive. Choose joy.
  • Prayer – Pray continually. God wants to hear us cry out to Him, worship Him, and state our requests to Him. He is our provider.
  • Gratitude – Count our blessings no matter the circumstances. Remind ourselves of all the wonderful ways God has helped us in the past. By documenting our reasons to be grateful, we are able to look back on God’s faithful grace and mercy in the past to give us hope and joy for future blessings.
  • Belonging – We are the children of God saved by the blood of Christ Jesus, His Son, and we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  God has a plan for us and we belong to Him.  We are created, known, loved and provided for by our God.
  • Destination – We will be in heaven with Jesus.  This life on earth is not the end. It is not even the best part! Our true home and our perfect selves are in heaven for eternity.
  • Companionship -We are not alone…ever. Jesus is with us always and will never abandon us.

Basically, we all have feelings.  Our feelings are real…we feel what we feel.  We are able to acknowledge them, but we need to resist allowing our feelings to control us.  I don’t want to live with anger in control or sadness in control or fear in control of me and my actions.  Do you?


Abba, Father. We don’t want fear to drive in our lives. We want You to be the driver. We need You to be the driver. Lord, help us to stop allowing fear to control us. Help us to resist and rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus so that he may not use fear as one of his tools to lead us away from you. Help us to recognize when we have turned from you and our trust in you. We will never have control but we know you have complete control. You are the Maker of all things, Lord, and You rule all things. Thank you for your grace, mercy, power, love and self-discipline that allows us to always be joyful and find thanksgiving in all things regardless of the circumstances. Amen.


  • When was the last time you were afraid?
  • What were the circumstances? What was causing your fear?
  • Looking back, are you able to see things now that you are grateful for in the midst of the challenge?
  • What are those things? Write them down and put them in a safe place. Read them when you need to see how God is working in your life to redeem your story.

Hugs and blessings, Sweet Circle.
